It's the money stupid!

by zugzzwan 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • zugzzwan

    As I read many of the posts here I see people asking questions like "how much longer will it be till the WT is put out of business for killing people with their blood stand" or "how much longer can they keep up in light of all the scandals"?

    The simple answer is they can keep up perpetually because it is the money! Look the facts of the matter are that the WT is not so much a religion as it is a conglomeration. The WT coporation owns millions of dollars worth of real estate all over the world. They have thousands of people under their mind control that send in millions of dollars to them each and every month. They also have the cream of the crop in positions of authority in the branch offices who were or had stellar careers in the general public realm who they reap fantastic advantage from for little or nothing.

    Is it reasonable for us to think that the millions of dollars that the WTS receives on a monthly basis is not invested in holdings other than land? I think not. I am certain that if the truth wealth of the WTS was ever brought to light we would all be shocked. We cannot compare the WTS to companies like Enron in questioning whether or not they will be brought down like Enron. The facts of the matter are that the courts in the U.S. would not in all likelyhood rule that the WTS committed a "fraud upon the public" because even though they use mind control, guilt and manipulation of members the bottom line is that people do not have to be DUBS. The facts are that people who are involved with the WTS do so freely on their own volition. No one holds a gun to their heads, physically at least, to stay in this organization. (and why do we call them an organization when we should call them a conglomeration).
    The WTS has always been and will always be a BUSINESS their main focus is to make money all the crap about preaching etc. is just a smoke screen the push is the money.
    The people who work for free at Bethel and Branch Offices all over the world, get up every day and GO TO WORK. That is their JOB. They are no different from millions of others in corporate america who get and go to work with the exception that they don't get paid with money. But they still are skilled people from all walks of life who make profit for the WTS which is then invested in all manner of holdings.
    So when are they going to get caught? When are they going to be brought down? NEVER! The WTS will only be brought down if someone in corporate america decides to attempt to take them over and that won't happen because they have a chuch status. Coporate america could not take them over anyway because the employment laws, as well as all the equal opportunity laws and other laws that govern business if applied to the WTS would hamper profits.
    But I'm rambling here and I hate that. This is just an opinion of mine let's see what everybody else thinks.

  • LB

    zugzzwan sad to say but I agree with you. I don't think the WTBTS will collaspe anytime soon. The Catholic church has had as much or worse to contend with, and they are huge. It is about the money.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Celtic

    Take a leaf out of the UK anti global capitalists book though, or look at Huntingdon Sciences and what happened to them, look at Enron for petes sake, don't matter how big they are, they all tumble sooner or later if their path is crooked from their own pressure. The WT will probaly blow its fuse one day, with a little help from individuals here and elsewhere.

    I agree though, their true worth must be fairly collossal. I wonder how much?



  • JT

    i agree the likely hoood of them folding is nill

    they sell the Number 1 Product in the world and as long as their is a market for that product it will continue to be the Number 1 best selling product= HOPE

    it matters not whether the hope is real or not, but they sell hope

    Carl Sagan put it best:

    Doctrines that make no predictions are less compelling than those which make correct predictions; they are in turn more successful than doctrines that make false predictions.

    But not always. One prominent American religion confidently predicted that the world would end in 1914. Well, 1914 has come and gone, and -- while the events of that year were certainly of some importance -- the world does not, at least so far as I can see, seem to have ended.

    There are at least three responses that an organized religion can make in the face of such a failed and fundamental prophecy. They could have said, "Oh, did we say '1914'? So sorry, we meant '2014'. A slight error in calculation. Hope you weren't inconvenienced in any way." But they did not.

    They could have said, "Well, the world *would* have ended, except we prayed very hard and interceded with God and He spared the Earth." Instead, they did something much more ingenious. They announced that the world *had* in fact ended in 1914, and if the rest of us hadn't noticed, that was our lookout.

    It is astonishing in the face of such transparent evasions that this religion has any adherents at all. But religions are tough. Either they make no contentions which are subject to disproof or they quickly redesign doctrine after disproof. The fact that religions can be so shamelessly dishonest, so contemptuous of the intelligence of their adherents, and still flourish does not speak very well for the tough-mindedness of the believers.

    But it does indicate, if a demonstration were needed, that near the core of the religious experience is something remarkably resistant to rational inquiry.

    — quote from "Broca's Brain" by Carl Sagan, p. 332, twelfth edition

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Its the Money Honey...I agree's always been the money keeping the borg alive and kicking. Widows and pensioners are encouraged to dig deep to donate to the KH fund...but are discouraged from financially supporting the needy causes that are run by babylon the great.


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