It is one thing to hate practicing homosexuality--provided you hate being the one practicing it. Most non-gays will fit this description (bisexuals aside). But to hate someone simply for being gay is not cool--and neither is hounding and harassing them to quit being gay. If they are gay because they failed to mature past their early teens, the condition might correct itself without intervention. But if not, that's their choice. If it's because of genetics, exposure to poisons in pesticides and phude (including BPA and phthalates in plastic), or because of having parents that effectively beat being straight out of them, people should accept them like that.
The witlesses are shameful in dealing with matters like that. And so is the apostle Paul. Jesus himself never harbored hatred for homosexuals--and never condemned people for it (he did, however, condemn the corruption that led to stagnation among Jews--and would sternly condemn Christi-SCAM-ity as it is practiced today). Mainstream Christians are catching on, but the fundamentalists are still bashing homosexuality because "it's a sin".