V for Vendetta - another great movie for faders and ex-JWs

by RayPublisher 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • RayPublisher

    Just re-watched it again recently...wow what a powerful film and really shows up totalitarianism, mind control, etc. Of course the great Wachowski's (of Matrix fame) made it, so what do you expect?



    It would be awesome to have an apostate film festival, all meet and watch this and the other great ones! When???? Where???

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    Interesting. My oldest brother was 10 when my mom devolved from human to jw. He LOVED this movie. I have it but have never watched it. He even had the mask. So, I will watch it and rewatch The Matrix this weekend.

    Please have the Apostate Film Festival in Seattle. Nothing EVER happens here. It's a beautiful city rain or no rain.

    Thanks for the post.

  • RayPublisher

    I LOVE SEATTLE and have been there a couple times. Gorgeous place. Maybe that will work!

  • blond-moment

    See you in November!

  • TOTH

    I love ANYTHING to do with the undoing of tyrants. V is a very powerful film. I would go to a festival btw...

  • Flossycat

    Remember watching Matrix years ago, thinking how much like the JW mentality it was.

    I'm many years out of the J Witless, but new to the discussion forum. It's great seeing so many switched on people here

  • AnnOMaly

    Love that movie.

    Which reminds me. Does anyone know how our V is doing nowadays?

    For the newbies: must-see videos - http://www.watchtowercomments.com/


  • Morbidzbaby

    Funny you should mention this movie... BF and I just watched it together for the first time on Wednesday! I loved it! He loved it as well... I think it really struck a chord with me simply BECAUSE of the whole mind control undercurrent how powerful organizations are when we ALLOW them to be. That was what I really saw...the people were duped, yes...but they had ALLOWED this control the entire time because they were told it was for their own good/safety. When one wakes up from something like the JW's and still allows them to control them ("Where will we go?"), they endorse the behavior of the organization and still continue to give them that power over them and others.

    Those who wake up and leave take that power away from them...and give it back to themselves.

  • RayPublisher

    @Flossycat - Matrix also by the great Wachowskis...




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