There is a Brother in our congregation who moved in a few years ago. In a former congregation not too far away he had served as an Elder for many, many years and was relatively well known. I know he had handled many difficult matters, as others had told me this. When he moved in, I was told that he came with a sterling recommendation, but declined to serve. He kind of keeps to himself. He speaks to people and is friendly enough if you speak to him, but he does not approach or engage anyone. He is helpful to thoes that he sees are in material need. His wife is very nice. She told the coordinating Elder in our congregation that previously, her husband serving as an Elder "almost destroyed him". I have heard her say this before. One Sunday after the meeting I was standing in the back of the Hall. One of the Elders approached this Brother who was also back there and asked him why he wasn't in the TMS. The Brother replied that when he and his wife moved in several years ago, he had told the TMS overseer that he would be in the school. However, the Brother was never assigned a talk (this Brother is in the truth and served for decades of time. Regressing to 5 minute talks won't do him much good I think) he thought that the Brother had forgotten. The Elder said, "well, let's go talk to the Brother who does the school, discuss this and get you an assignment". The Brother replied; "Well, since the Brother has forgotten, let's just leave it that way". The Elder asked why. The Brother said; "I am in the truth over 40 years. There are two things I have learned in that period of time. The first is not to volunteer twice, and the second is don't remind an Elder of anything". The Elder said nothing. He just politely smiled and walked away.
Wisdom From a Former Elder
by Conan The Barbarian 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Almost sounds like he was in the ARMY too...
Maybe he is among us here?
Sounds very much to me like he is in the 'conscious class'! Perhaps you put out one or two feelers and see his response? Although he might be very wary if he's been 'burned'.
breakfast of champions
That sounds like some conscious class behavior to me too.
Conan The Barbarian
Almost sounds like he was in the ARMY too...
Maybe he is among us here?
He may have been in the Army, i don't know. I heard that he can speak Vietnamese. He is a pretty old man. He ia approaching retirement if not retired already.
JW GoneBad
He sounds like a diamond in the rough who doesn’t want to waste his talents any longer on the WTBTS. Good for him!