An uncle of mine is a lifer at the Brooklyn Bethel and he was recently sent to India for open heart surgery. It's so much cheaper compared to getting the procedure done in the US it's ridiculous. Does anybody know if it's the Society that pays for all this or if it's up to each Bethelite's own health insurance? Since I faded I haven't really spoken to them so I don't know the specifics.
Bethelite sent to India for heart surgery.
by marmot 9 Replies latest watchtower medical
I believe that the WTS is self-insured, thus they pay for it. They do try to use jw doctors as well (they don't charge). And they try to work around other costs, ways that may lead to less qualified doctors. Not every doctor is qualified to be a surgeon. Also it shows that the WTS will send you a long way for treatment. I remember one CO and his wife had to drive 12 hours round trip to get their checkup.
My employer has a self-insured health insurance plan. What does this mean and is this a good deal for me? Some large employers operate their own health insurance plan as opposed to purchasing coverage from an insurance company. Typically the large employer pays a third party (such as an insurance company or other administrator of health care claims) to administer the plan which they have designed for their employees - the large employer pays the costs (claims plus administration) directly out of the company's coffer. While the large employer saves the profit margin that an insurance company builds into its premium, it raises the exposure of the large company to greater risk in the event that more claims than anticipated must be paid. Due to the nature of these plans (and tight regulation of such plans), most self-insured employer-sponsored plans are very efficient and provide good health insurance benefits to employees.
In Canada we have a universal health program that covers every Canadian citizens. so when Canadian missionaries are ill, they are flown back home so they can get free medical treatments. I personally know a missionary from Burkina Faso who had heart surgery and another from Benin who had cancer treatment here and then went back to their assignments. Some may come home twice a year for follow up treatment. While they are here they also take care of their medical needs including dental treatment and eye care.
The branch cut a deal with an Indian healthcare company. I had heard that heart surgeries in india cost 10% of what they cost here in the states. They are paying directly for the procedure. I remember talking to the bro who set the system up a couple of years ago.
In Canada we have a universal health program that covers every Canadian citizens. so when Canadian missionaries are ill, they are flown back home
so they can get free medical treatments.
Norm Lum... Long time Canadian C.O was sent to India for cancer treatments. I wonder why since Canadian health care would be free ?
Maybe they have a special exemption from the Govt that they don't pay heath care premiums in Canada and so they send them wherever is cheapest for them.
He died by the way
What a disgrace, I bet if the gov body get ill, they won't be on their way to MRSA and CDIFF . You will know them by the love they have amongst themselves!
I know one Bethelite who is FROM India and serves on the writing committee. Could it be that he could be getting the care he needs in India with his family"s support? I mean, not everything is sinister and underhanded...
I'm surprised that a "lifer" at Bethel still has a heart to operate on. When I was there, the old timers were just plain weird.
Why are hard core Bethelites so easy to operate on? Because they are heartless, gutless and spineless, and their heads and their butts are interchangeable.
I hope he gets better and comes through just fine.
I hope he cleans up his diet by removing diary food and meat, so he will get better and eliminate his heart disease.