16-year old high school senior raped & strangled inside Mexico Kingdom Hall

by Alfred 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Alfred

    For those who know some Spanish...

    A friend just forwarded me this (Spanish) YouTube video a few minutes ago... it's basically a TV news report about a rape/murder that occurred last August (2011) in Mexico...


    Apparently, a 16-year old JW girl was lured into a Kingdom Hall (by someone who had the keys) and then raped and strangled to death.

    The reporter starts off by saying that the police have strong leads, but I have not been able to find much more info about this on the internet. (I'll keep looking)

    But I was really impressed by how the people in the town organized a protest right away and one woman even stated that the elders know something but is protecting the perpetrator. She also states that this is not the first time something like this happens in that Kingdom Hall. The protestors in general were demanding that the KH be shut down indefinately...

    Has anyone heard of this story?

  • blondie

    Unfortunately, closing down the KH will not help if the perpetrator is not found and locked up. Even if they closed down all KHs, rapes would continue since the vast majority of rapists are not jws.

    There are letters to the elders saying they are not required to turn in murderers, thieves, etc.

    How horrible for that young woman, being betrayed by someone she trusted.

  • Alfred


    This was in Nueva Suyapa, Honduras


    my apologies

  • Alfred

    A little more info... This happened in April 2010 (not August 2011) and the perpetrator was caught in November 2011 after DNA evidence revealed that he raped her.

    According to several on-line news articles from Honduras, this was apparently a JW who had the Kingdom Hall keys and was in charge of KH security (I'm guessing he was in charge of watching the KH at night? who knows)... I'm just glad he was caught and brought to justice...

    I wonder how much the elders knew and if the Legal Department told them not to cooperate with authorities...

  • dgp

    This was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in a place called "Nueva Suyapa".

    The parents of the sixteen year old marched to demand justice.

    The first place they visited was the high school her daughter attended, where she was appreciated and where the classmates wrote poems and the like to mourn her death.

    The community joined the parents. They posted signs on the gates of the Kingdom Hall where the girl was found.

    The parents posted a sign with a cell phone number so that people could inform whether they had seen the girl with someone before her death. The community decided to protest because they had seen so many rapes and wanted the authorities to take action.

    The father said that the hypothesis that she had been killed elsewhere and then taken into the Kingdom Hall had been disproved.

    Some people wanted the Kingdom Hall closed because, in their opinion, "they" were protecting the rapist, and, in the future, somebody else's daughter could be raped as well.

    The entire community protested and asked passersby for leads to find the murderer.

    The mother was in the march, and she said that "Jehovah is a just God, and He knows just how much it hurt to lose his own Son. I know that one day He will give us Justice, too. I, the imperfect human being I am, [the death of my] daughter hurts just so much, and I want justice, too. I want to know just who did such evil to her".

    The journalist concludes by saying that, as of that moment, the "Jehovah's witness church" was the only institution not to have made any comments.

  • james_woods
    The journalist concludes by saying that, as of that moment, the "Jehovah's witness church" was the only institution not to have made any comments.

    Yup. Typical.

  • BluesBrother

    A Google translation of one of the comments in Spanish :

    @ Timmhg - The murder occurred in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, commentator's blunder that said they were Christians because they are NOT.

    apart from that the elderly and a few brothers who cleaned the room had access to keys, the girl was stuck to the classroom without violence, and she died in there massacred, incredibly disappeared a couple of TDJs as representatives of the WT ( owners of all premises in the world) did not face AS ALWAYS. Pimps!

    PiedraParlante 1 week ago

    This bears out the gist of the story . Absolutely awful, one can read the body language of the people protesting, and the name clear to see on the Kingdom Hall sign.

    If the perp was the "Hall Servant", how come that it took so long to find the obvious suspect? Perhaps he had an alibi that was disproved by dna?

    This seems to be a pretty rotten place to live - just my impression by Googling..get the look of the cops who arrested him!!

  • dgp

    Forget Mexico: Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world: eighty times that of Western Europe, according to The Economist.

    The place is the new settlement for people who were relocated there after hurricane Fifi took away their homes.

    That said, the people were protesting because of the rape and strangling. This video should serve a very different purpose. It should make a Witness or two re-consider their opinions of worldlies:

    The worldlies cared about the murder of the girl. They made poems and wrote stuff to mourn her death. They joined the march. They helped find leads. They were against the Watchtower because they wanted the perpetrator arrested.

    The parents were Jehovah's witnesses who decided to seek justice for their daughter, and found it with the help of the worldlies. The Watchtower didn't seem to help.

    More importantly, had people stuck to the two witness rule, justice would have never been made. Is this what Jehovah wants?

  • Snoozy

    How awful..I wonder if he was a registered pedophile by any chance..

    I think they should change the two witness rule because now they have DNA..or is that considered a second witness?..

    Also shouldn't God have forsaw that the world would be developing new things and the bible laws would be outdated eventaually? He should have had a disclaimer in the bible also.."This bible verse is subject to change.." Upon discovery of DNA this verse about the "Two witness rule" will be null and void..

    Another JW nutjob strikes..how many more are left?


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