Wouldn't it be interesting if dozens of people showed up at a Kingdom Hall as part of a flash mob, not being disorderly, but to make a statement. Maybe all raising their hands on a particular question and giving a "real comment" instead of restating the paragraph. Or they could all leave if when one of the paragraphs says "internet bad...ignorance good". Interesting though...
Flash Mob at the Kingdom Hall
by wisdomfrombelow 5 Replies latest jw friends
I was able to get five people to come to a meeting a year or two ago. They were studying the watchtower on the subject of evolution. We were each able to get one comment in before they refused to call on us. -
Sounds risky - so easy for some idiot to do something stupid and bam, a bad name for everyone else and a certain amount of responsibility for it.
Flash mobs are for dance routines in the mall. Anything else and it's just a mob.
Brokeback Watchtower
Pick some real good music and party! Like "losing my religion", " Liar" "Eli"s Coming"
There's a park next door to their District Convention (are they calling it something different now?) site in my city.
Can't get a meet-up started in this city, though, let alone a flash mob.Perhaps one could be done at a convention in a locale that has more folks, like New England or Texas?
Just a thought ...
I think they call them Regional Conventions now Talesin....
name changes, dogma remains :relieved: