great quote from Dallas Willard about mind control

by Aaron Eldridge 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aaron Eldridge
    Aaron Eldridge

    I thought that everyone may enjoy this from Dallas Willard's book Divine Conspiracy,

    "Any being that has say over nothing is no person at all. We only have to imagine what that would be like to see that this is so. Such 'persons' would not even be able to command their own body or their own thoughts. They would be reduced to completely passive observers who count for nothing, who make no difference.

    The sense of having some degree of control over things is now recognized as a vital factor in both mental and physical health and can make the difference between life and death in those who are seriously ill.

    Anyone who has raised a child, or has even supervised the work of others, knows how important it is to let them do it- whatever 'it' may be- and do so as soon as that is practically feasible. Obviously, having a place of rule goes to the very heart of who we are, of our integrity, strength, and competence.

    By contrast, attacks to our personhood always take the form of diminishing what we can do or have say over, sometimes up to the point of forcing us to submit to what we abhor. In the familiar human order, slaves are at the other end of the spectrum from Kings. Their bodies and lives are at the disposal of another. Prisoners are, in most cases, several degrees above slaves. And, as the 20th century has taught us, thought control is worst of all. It is the most heinous form of soul destruction, in which even our own thoughts are not really ours. It reaches most deeply into ther substance."

  • sizemik

    I agree . . . thought control is the "worst of all." It takes away your liberty and freedom like all oppression . . . but it also takes away the key to the door. They steal everything. At least a prisoner or a slave knows who his oppressor is.

    Good quote from someone who knows something.


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