and this too. "It was Paul's melding of Messianic Judaism with the traditional pagan religions that was an astonishing, and disastrous, innovation. Paul never met Jesus and didn't bother to see Jesus' apostles before starting his own mission to convert the world. His radical, strange and mystical version of Christianity had virtually nothing in common with anything Jesus said. In all probability, Paul knew next to nothing about the man Jesus or his companions or what Jesus said and taught. Nothing had been written down at that time, Paul hadn't met any eyewitnesses, so he was getting all of his information via hearsay, gossip and the drunken exaggeration of travellers' tales. But he didn't need anything else, and he certainly didn't need the truth. All he was doing was preaching Mithraism, with a Messianic Jew playing the part of Mithras. Simple. Most people who had known Jesus had no idea what planet Paul was on. What he claimed Jesus said bore no resemblance to what he actually said. Paul's epistles are the oldest part of the New Testament, written around 50 AD while the gospels were written around 70-100 AD. Paul's famous letters received little or no acceptance by the early church. The Apostles never mentioned Paul in their writings. There is no doubt they regarded him as a strange pagan trying to distort Jesus' message. Paul's so-called fanatical Judaism is a complete fabrication. This was the man who couldn't wait to announce the end of Mosaic Law and all the customs of Judaism. No one was better suited to appeal to Gentiles than Paul because, to all intents and purposes, he was a Gentile. Paul's version of Christianity succeeded largely because the other factions, based in Jerusalem, were effectively wiped out when Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE, following a Jewish insurrection against the Roman occupation. Paul's Christians were based in many places outside Palestine, hence survived the destruction wrought by the Romans. As soon as Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, the Christians set about destroying the temples of Mithras, often building churches on the sites. Paul, who hoped that Christianity and Mithraism would merge and sweep across the world would have been horrified. His new religion had gone catastrophically wrong."
by xtreemlyconfused17 1 Replies latest jw friends