"Give Me That Christian Side Hug"
by leavingwt 5 Replies latest social humour
Guess they want to avoid contact with the erogenous zones. Pity.
Seriously LMAO!
. . . Ryan Pann, the 23-year-old Californian who wrote and was lead performer of the tune, the chorus of which commands, rather catchily, "gimme that Christian side hug," said he wrote the song as self-deprecating humor.
The line, "When I hug people, I leave room for the Holy Spirit," may have been the giveaway.
The side hug is a real practice, with people putting arms around each other's shoulders or waists, as if posing for a photo. But clearly, even some in the Christian community greet the concept with, well, a side hug.
"We think it's hilarious because some people think (the video) is serious," said Pann, reached at The Father's House, a Vacaville, Calif., church that sponsors the Encounter Generation Conference, an annual Christian youth gathering at which the video was shot.
"It's not a mockery of the faith," Pann emphasized. "It's a mockery of the act of the Christian side hug."