3/18/2012 WT Study Highlights
see www.jw.org January 15, 2012 issue
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It is not possible to understand the Mosaic Law without the writing of Paul..that they are in valuable to Christians yes, because jws still mainly base their beliefs on it, not the writings of inspired first century Christians.
Does 1 Timothy 2:5 mention Jesus' mediatorship being based on a "better covenant"? Yet frequently the WTS puts that phrase with that scripture. Wasn't Paul really talking about approach to God in PRAYER? Or does the WTS once again speak out of both sides of its mouth?
*** w02 7/1 p. 8 Worship God “in Spirit” ***Is it proper to pray to Jesus’ earthly mother, Mary, or to particular “saints,” asking them to intercede with God in one’s behalf? The Bible’s direct answer is: “There is only one mediator between God and mankind, himself a man, Christ Jesus.”—1 Timothy 2:5.
(1 Timothy 2:3-7) . . .This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, 4 whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—[this is] what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times. 7 For the purpose of this witness I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—a teacher of nations in the matter of faith and truth.
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Were Jewish women instructed in the Law? Could they speak at the "meetings" at the synagogue?
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Since Jehovah's basic requirements for his servants never change...
So why were Jewish men allowed more than one wife when Adam was only given one? But then change it back to one for Christians?
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Since the WTS teaches that the lifeforce only comes through the man (which is why Jesus could be a perfect man with an imperfect mother) why did women have to observe twice as long a purification period after giving birth?
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What does the WTS consider a second-rate offering? Do they like the priests inspect the offering and make a judgment on the individual?
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What is defective or a mere formality? per the WTS?
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Were all offerings voluntary under the Law? Or were some required? What about the WTS do they decide what and when to volunteer like the Law does?
The WTS is worried about "the attitudes and motivations" of jws today.
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grudgingly...even if required...
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So the WTS brings up "offended a brother" (I guess sisters don't matter)...how many elders ever apologize for the cruelties and gossip?
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Are jws trying to please God or have a "good reputation" with the organization and its representatives?
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Does the WTS offer its very best at their meetings or boring talks week after week?
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Saul disobeyed Samuel (who represents the anointed/GB); so what is more important disobeying God or the GB; is it possible that obeying the GB means disobeying God especailly when no scripture supports them?
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Going through the motions...during Isaiah's day Jews were sacrificing their children in fire and worshiping idols in the temple...I doubt that Isaiah went to any meetings.
Do the prayers at the meetings and conventions cover over the unscriptural disfellowshippings?
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If we recognize our need for Christ's sacrifice, where do elders get the power to determine if a human is repentant?
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Are jws today still just seeing a shadow? Did the end come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, 1984, 1994, or SOON, VERY SOON NOW? Or are they subject to constantly changing doctrine?
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So what are the works that the WTS requires....what does God...what do people at the KH require of others? Do those making the requirements live up to those in their personal life?
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"although Christians (only jws) are not required to observe the Mosaic Law" the WTS focuses on the Law and pre-Christian people as examples for Christians to follow, rarely the first century Christians in the Bible.