satan v jehovah

by Aussie Oz 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thinking about these two characters you know...

    The bible tells us what jehovah says satan is about and wants to do.

    It also tells us what jehovah says he (jehovah) will do and his actions of what he has done.

    The Bible tells us of all the murder and mayhem cause by the israelites as they genocided their way through the middle east.

    And who told them do this these evil deeds?

    And why hasn't satan appeared on the late show to say..."you know guys, Iv'e had a bad rap over the years so i thought i'd pop in and tell my side of the story"...


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    If killing is the worst crime against humanity there is, then "Jehovah" is way up there with numbers compared to Satan. Plus he is supposedly going to kill a few billion more soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!

    Given the choice now, and if either weren't just mythological beings, I would side with Satan!

  • cantleave

    Jerkyhoover, is just a despotic dictator with a genocidal streak.

    Me, I prefer Thor!

  • truth_b_known

    Hail Thor Odison!

  • mP

    Actually Satan is only responsible for 10 deaths in the BIble while Jehovah demands and actively kills millions in the Bible.

  • ProdigalSon

    It's a metaphor and esoterically speaking, the roles have been reversed. Jehovah is Satan and Satan is the Light Bearer. It was written for dummies to read literally and be controlled zombies for the Ruling Elite while the initiates would read it and recognize the symbolism, getting the full picture of what's going on. But I think you probably know that already.

  • WTWizard

    Jehovah is only the god of the Jews. He is also the meanest tyrant that ever lived--I believe that if Tyrant David, his faithful servant, had access to a few airplanes, he would have done more than what the Muslims were blamed for (rightly or not) on September 11, 2001. Jehovah has messed things up for us for petty infringements, like taking a piece of fruit that was going to rot, not offering meat for sacrifice (since when did Cain owe Jehovah even the vegetables?), and so on.

    And Satan? Trying to liberate us from Jehovah's tyranny.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    What's a super hero without an archenemy?

    Jayhoover needs Satan or his whole "I’m so great ‘cause he's so bad" philosophy falls apart.

    Without a scapegoat to point the finger at, Jayhoover's just a nasty tyrannical genocidal jerk.

  • Chariklo

    Interesting, isn't it? Satan said, think for yourselves.

    Jehovah said "Do not kill" and then helped the Israelites to kill and kill, that's after he'd wiped out all of humanity except those on the ark...and even then he went and left out the unicorns!

    Think about it.

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