Ok, own up - were you a cassette geek

by Simon 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Remember the District Conventions of yester-year?

    Say at some football ground ... possibly on the terraces on blankets or deckchairs and under plastic sheeting if it was raining (I'm talking about UK assemblies here, lol)

    There would always be a handfull of brothers who would tape record the sessions with the old piano-key tape recorders strapped to the fencing and every half hour or so they would wander down the steps to change the tape or check the batteries (I think it was an excuse to walk around).

    C'mon ... own up ... WAS THAT YOU?

    I wonder how many recordings of those echoey PA powered talks were actually listened to? What could be worse than a whole assembly other than listening to it all again!

  • plmkrzy

    My mother still does that to this day with the same piano key tape player. oblong black with crome like mesh speaker on top and a handle.
    I don't think she realizes that casset tapes like 8Tracks deteriorate over time. So they are all mush.

  • Simon

    I was going to ask ... do people still do it!

  • joelbear

    My mother has people record assemblies for her when she does not feel well enough to attend.

    I recorded a couple of Sinutko's talks when I was a kid.

    I got tired of lugging the thing around.

    I had an uncle that I think taped every talk at assemblies and the hall for 25 years.


  • qadreena

    i never did that but i remember sitting on the terraces (on my blanket) watching brothers doing it and wishing i could instead of sitting there so bored, i used to have a fake weak bladder so i could get up and wander quite often, i used to use the toilets on the other end of the stadium just for an excuse for a walk

    xxx angel xxx

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Yeah old people still do it. U can usually spot them with their cow's lick hair do greased back...and their tartan tie and mission brown suits...frowning at all the squirming kids sitting in the row in front who might disturb their 'transmission'.

    My ex's father still does it...AND he takes notes. Some elders have been pre-selected before the convention to deliver a talk to their local congregation at the very next meeting which is always about the highlights of the convention.


  • Beans

    Holy Shit;I can remember tons of people doing this and then one year my Dad did it and he was always putting his finger over his mouth when we were talking SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! But he never listened to them anyways!!! HHHAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My ex used to tape all the sessions and then force us to listen to them on the way home aaaacccckkkk

    But I wish I could get my hands on some of them now - could be a lot of very interesting things on those old tapes

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    Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
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