5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

by Megachusen 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Megachusen

    Thought you folks might appreciate this article: http://www.cracked.com/article_19785_5-ways-modern-men-are-trained-to-hate-women.html

    The only thing I could think of while reading it was those silly head coverings for sisters.

  • No Room For George
  • FlyingHighNow

    Fascinating. I am just making it to page two.

    Or browse the "Men's Rights" section and see weird fantasies about alpha males defeating all the hot women who try to control them with their vaginas.

    I have thought for years that this is the entire reason for man using religion to control and excuse his need to dominate woman. And then being very angry with women because women have better, most of the time, control over their sexual desires than men do.

  • ziddina

    Ho- leee Freeeeakin' Hannah....

    This explains why, when I try talking to my idiot husband, he totally mis-reads EVERYTHING I say, and comes back with bizarre non-sequitors that have absolutely NOTHING to do with what I've just said....

    Here's a pertinent excerpt from the last part of that article....

    "... Right now I'm reading a book from mega-selling fantasy author George R. R. Martin. The following is a passage where he is writing from the point of view of a woman -- always a tough thing for men to do. The girl is on her way to a key confrontation, and the narrator describes it thusly:
    "When she went to the stables, she wore faded sandsilk pants and woven grass sandals. Her small breasts moved freely beneath a painted Dothraki vest ..."
    That's written from the ["]woman's["] point of view. Yes, when a male writes a female, he assumes that she spends every moment thinking about the size of her breasts and what they are doing. "Janet walked her boobs across the city square. 'I can see them staring at my boobs,' she thought, boobily." He assumes that women are thinking of themselves the same way we think of them. [quote marks mine...]
    Do you see what I'm getting at? Go look outside. See those cars driving by? Every car being driven by a man was designed and built and bought and sold with you in mind. The only reason why small, fuel-efficient or electric cars don't dominate the roads is because we want to look cool in our cars, to impress you.
    We also assume you have the taste of a pimp.
    Go look at a city skyline. All those skyscrapers? We built those to impress you, too. All those sports you see on TV? All of those guys learned to play purely because in school, playing sports gets you laid. All the music you hear on the radio? All of those guys learned to sing and play guitar because as a teenager, they figured out that absolutely nothing gets women out of their pants faster. It's the same reason all of the actors got into acting.
    All those wars we fight? Sure, at the upper levels, in the halls of political power, they have some complicated reasons for wanting some piece of land or access to some resource. But on the ground? Well, let me ask you this -- historically, when an army takes over a city, what happens to the women there?
    It's all about you. All of it. All of civilization. ..."


    Now, I DON'T agree that all skyscrapers, wars, and hot cars are generated just to impress 'wimmin'...

    In point of fact, most of the behaviors and structures that he mentions that are supposedly to impress 'wimmin', are actually there to impress OTHER MEN....

    Because it's the OTHER MEN who are competing - for resources, for power - and yes, for alpha reproductive rights.

    Another bizarre aspect of this situation - and he mentions it in his article - most men are totally unable to actually "think like a woman". They cannot begin to conceive of poetry as "beautiful", cannot understand womens' fascination with various forms of art, or quiet accomplishments like fabric, fiber arts, quilting, fashion, hats, cosmetics, and so on...

    And speaking of cosmetics...

    Oddly enough, studies have shown that most men are NOT attracted to heavily-made up women - unless the men are over 50 years of age looking at women of the same relative age group...

    Yet, women OF ALL AGES - and GIRLS, continue to wear tons of mud and muck year-in and year-out.


    Again, for a totally different reason than one would expect - but identical to the REAL reason that men build skyscrapers and drive hot cars...

    Women wear makeup because of OTHER WOMEN.

    I've found that most women do NOT respond well to me, when I am totally without makeup. And for the record, I have olive skin and brunette hair, so it's not like I'm "washed out", without makeup.


    It's apparently based on a social 'convention', perception or attitude that a woman without makeup is a slob, lazy, not well-put-together - not behaving in a manner accepted by the vast majority of OTHER women...

    And those are my observations, as of this point.

    But it was a good article, and thanks for posting that, Megachusen!!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    This is a quote I just pulled from #1 :

    "This is really the heart of it, right here. This is why no amount of male domination will ever be enough, why no level of control or privilege or female submission will ever satisfy us. We can put you under a burqa, we can force you out of the workplace -- it won't matter. You're still all we think about, and that gives you power over us. And we resent you for it."

  • FlyingHighNow

    That is a good article. It expands on my suspicions. It helps me to understand why men react the way they do to us women, at times. I prefer the company of a man who understands the concepts of that article, and still tries to be a decent guy, without completely erasing anything that makes him appealing.

  • Chariklo

    The most repressed, uptight, can't-think-beyond-the-Borg-rules, slavish wearer of head coverings, won't sit in a car with a brother, chaperones her engaged adult daughter at all times, sister I know wears more make-up and smart fashionable clothes than anyone else I've seen in the congregation.

    Interesting. The freest thinker among the sisters there...and I do have one or two slight hopes for her....is the one who feels liberated enough to abandon orthodox women's wear altogether apart from when on the service or in the KH.

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