The Plagiaristic Nature in the formation of religions

by thetrueone 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    Being that in ancient times there were many variations of established spiritual beliefs throughout

    many of the tribal civilizations, it would theoretically assumable that some these set beliefs were

    plagiarized from one and another. The oldest and probably most prominent religious beliefs was

    that of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

    This video shows how the connection from that civilization may have influenced the idealogical

    religious beliefs that were to follow in a sequential time line, particularly so in the ancient era of the middle East.

  • WTWizard

    No wonder those scumbag Jews wanted so much to destroy every last vestige of pagan worship. They did that back in the LIE-ble when they destroyed all foreign altars. They do this in Christi-SCAM-ity with crusades, murdering anyone they think knows magic and destroying all evidence of previous religions. In fact, the whole LIE-ble is full of stolen ideas, which were corrupt and placed in such a dark tone.

    Anyone else notice that the whole LIE-ble is cast in such a negative light? Death and hell threats throughout. People getting punished harshly for such "major infringements" as steadying the Ark (next time, let it fall on the floor in a million pieces), offering a sacrifice and then the priest showing up 5 minutes later (planned--next time, don't offer the damn sacrifice and let the Jews get their slimy butts whooped), and fornication (42,000 of them slaughtered for this simple act). Plagues and maledictions are dominant throughout the whole LIE-ble, both testaments. And the violence is so graphic that, if it were a movie, it would probably be rated X for violence (which is extremely rare--most violent movies don't go beyond R).

    Also, has anyone else noticed when reading Genesis chapter 2, that Jehovah is holding back knowledge of good and bad from humanity? Under a death threat, he ordered the first people not to even touch that fruit. Now, unless Jehovah was planning a total tyranny where everyone would be enslaved under him, why wouldn't he want them knowing good from bad? You don't even get through 2 chapters of the LIE-ble, and already there is strong proof that something is not right. This is so blatant that I wonder how any Christians can read the LIE-ble and come to the conclusion that God loves them.

    At least, under those older religions (before those scumbags corrupted them), you could get some real spiritual knowledge. I barely scratched the surface of one of those "Devil worship" religions, and already I know more about Jesus than I ever did while in some form of Christi-SCAM-ity. Jesus is actually a representation of the sun. I feel I can do better by skipping the Jewish spin on things, and going directly to the sun itself.

  • thetrueone

    Keeping in the thought of plagiarism, C T Russell and his teaching when evaluated had much to do with plagiarism, particularly

    concerning Pyramidology, along with Christian Adventist theology. Theologies in his mind worthy enough to put into print. J Rutherford

    also thought that the these theologies were valuable enough to commercialize to the public, spawning what is now recognized as the Jehovah's

    Witnesses. One thing that can be confidently realized is that most of man's endeavors to get close as possible to the powerful spiritual deities

    of his imagination, proved advantageous to himself for it offered a prominently better position toward his own lifestyle and personal stature,

    not only in obtained power but also for wealth, this albeit accomplished without a single thread of evidence of a god of spiritualistic nature .

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