Pls, someone direct me to experiences in the Magazines or any other of their publications speaking about the lasting damage to the psychological development (traumata) of Watchtower men when their Watchtower wives separate from them? - - - I could not find any, can you? Q.: Do only men separate/leave the women in the organization?
Marriage troubles: Experiences of JW wives leaving JW men
by bats in the belfry 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
keyser soze
Pls, someone direct me to experiences in the Magazines or any other of their publications speaking about the lasting damage to the psychological development (traumata) of Watchtower men when their Watchtower wives separate from them?
I doubt you'll find much in their Publications, given how they like to boast about how much happier and longer-lasting JW marriages are.
Found Sheep
I'm glad to say I left my JW husband
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
To them this sort of thing never happens, so good luck.
bats in the belfry
What are you all sayin'?
In a hundred years of tripe, disscussing endlessly the subjects of oral, anal, vaginal, and mammal obscessions, they never even touched on two conflicting opinions, whereby living under one roof is made impossible?
And women never leave men behind? ... what a strange, spaced-out and skewed belief system they have, indeed !
JW women often leave their JW husbands. They don't cover the struggle, because it works against their narrative----that the religion makes for happy family lives. It's kind of funny, because in my congregation the majority of young sisters were married to men on their second marriages. They just sort of pass spouses around. What you will see are stories of couples who considered divorce, but with extra study, and by applying christian principals, and with holy spirit, everything is rainbows and unicorns now!
I don't know where the stat is, but I believe I've read that JW's divorce slightly more often than the population at large.
Check out how our own Mr. Grundy deconstructs the WT bs regarding "Happy JW Marriages" on his jwfacts website:
Divorce Rate of Jehovah's Witnesses
"By applying unselfish love in their marriages, Jehovah's Witnesses achieve stable relationships. In some countriesone marriage out of every two or three ends in divorce. But the above-mentioned survey indicated that presentlyonly 4.9 percent of the Witnesses are divorced or separated from their mates." - Awake 1997 Sep 8 p.11 A People Taught to Love
As Mark Twain said, there are three kinds of lies, "Lies, damned lies and statistics!"