Have you ever heard of the Memorial been cancelled due to bad weather?
by Iamallcool 9 Replies latest jw friends
I just could not edit my title on the first post.
finally awake
Not around where I live. It would be rare to have significant bad weather in mid-March or later, and tornado season hasn't usually started yet - although this year is proving to be different.
I have heard of it happening in the past. I think they just hold it a month later. Where is the scriptural support for that? In the NEW TESTAMENT I mean.
Not sure about cancelled but up in the Rhode Island area in 2010 there was a lot of flooding and a lot of people simply weren't able to make it. I wonder if they were made to feel bad because of it.
Could always hold it at home with a bottle of red and some unlevened bread (or corn chips?).
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
In my neck of the woods it's pretty much get there or die tryin'.
I lived in an area in the past where blizzards are still common around Memorial time. If heavy snow is expected, a few of the remote bookstudies ensure they have bread/wine on hand, and in years past they had to split the congregation up into smaller bookstudy groups to reduce travel distances.
- Lime
I remember being on a business trip in Quebec City and I went to the KHall for the Memorial and on my way there it started snowing very heavily...when I came out of the KHall there were snow drifts half way up my car door...it was very difficult leaving the parking lot or even driving on the highway...I almost didn't make it back to the Hotel...but I was present at the Memorial and was able to relate my experience and show how determined I was to obey the WT's instructions...And how could one consider cancelling the Memorial when brothers in concentration camps risked their lives to acquire the emblems and celebrate...