If Jesus is coming Passover night and trying to save his followers, are JW all around world would be saved? According to the WT article, The answer is...

by learnaway 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • learnaway

    *** w762/1p.73“KeepDoingThisinRemembranceofMe”***

    The modern Jewish calendar determines the beginning of their month of Nisan by the astronomical new moon. However, usually it is eighteen hours or more later when the first sliver of the crescent of the new moon becomes visible in Jerusalem. Each year, in recent times, the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses has determined the actual new moon that becomes visible in Jerusalem, which is the way the first of Nisan was determined in Biblical times. For this reason often there has been a difference of a day or two between the Memorial date of Jehovah’s witnesses and the Nisan 14 date according to the modern Jewish calendar.

    According to our present method of calculation, the Memorial date approximates the nearest full moon after the spring equinox. For example, in 1975 the Memorial date, as calculated fourteen days from the new moon (nearest the spring equinox) visible in Jerusalem, was Thursday, March 27, after sundown. Appropriately, there was also a full moon on Thursday, March 27, 1975. The date for Memorial in 1976, calculated by our present method, falls on Wednesday, April 14, after sundown. The full moon also occurs on this same date. So if, in the future, any of Jehovah’s people should be out of touch with the governing body, they could determine the Memorial date with fair accuracy from local calendars that show the first full moon after the spring equinox. The celebration would then take place after sundown of the day on which the full moon occurs.

    The answer is sorry... because..

    The Passover full moon should be tomorrow night(Apr.6 th )!! Why they do this? To people who truly love Jehovah and Jesus? … ...hm~

    Hi, I am new here, if anyone mention about this, s orry for the inconvenience.

  • dyakoub

    This is because the memorial of Jesus' last supper is not the same day as the Passover Celebration. Passover celebration is the 15th of Nisan, always, no matter whom you ask. The last supper however, is debatable. It varies due to the differences in the Gospels and the interpretations of the significance of Jesus 'death.'

    C.T. Russell favored the 14 of Nisan found in Mark (I think) as opposed to the John's (I think) insinuation of the 15th. The 24 of Nisan is the preperation day. It is the day of the sacrifice and the slaughter of the Lamb. If Jesus is the lamb and his was a sacrifice for salvation, then symbolically it is reasonable and appropiate for his last supper to be on the day of preperation; the day before the passover 'salvation'.

  • james_woods
    C.T. Russell favored the 14 of Nisan found in Mark (I think) as opposed to the John's (I think) insinuation of the 15th. The 24 of Nisan is the preperation day. It is the day of the sacrifice and the slaughter of the Lamb. If Jesus is the lamb and his was a sacrifice for salvation, then symbolically it is reasonable and appropiate for his last supper to be on the day of preperation; the day before the passover 'salvation'.

    Except for the simple fact that even the witnesses say it happened (the last supper) on passover day. Not the "day before".

  • WTWizard

    This is why it's better to simply do it the way it was done in ancient times--when the sun enters the vernal equinox. In the northern hemisphere, it would be when it enters 0 o of Aries. In the southern hemisphere, it is 0 0 of Libra. As technology advances, the accuracy of determining when it is to be observed also improves. That would make much more sense than trying to figure out whether it is the astronomical or visible new moon, and where it has to be visible from (technically, it would be the astronomical new moon).

    All this does is creates disagreement. Religions still, to this date, reject technology. They argue whether it is the astronomical new moon or the visible new moon, and whether it is local or in Jerusalem (which doesn't matter unless you are in Jerusalem). This results in discrepancies--I have seen the REJECT Astaroth/Jesus Party held in March while Easter wasn't until well into April. I have also seen the wastefest held a day (or a month and a day, as in the case when it was a month off) away from where it was supposed to be. And the argument as to whether it is really Nisan 14 or Nisan 15, created because they refuse to utilize the technology when they get it.

    No wonder the Christians wish to retard technology. They keep tradition where it merely creates confusion, and ditch it when it would have made the celebration more effective and accurate. They also ditch technology that could prove just who is right--if I were, for instance, to produce the technology to directly view the astral plane and explore it, Christians would be the first to reject it even though it would prove once for all time what actually happens to the soul. And it would instantly prove or disprove whether atheism in its purest form is the real truth. Something Christians can't handle.

  • mP

    i recall reading a book that there were different dates for the passover in the first century. there was a mainstream date and other w/ a variation of day by another minor group, it might have been the essenes. anyway the story is the synoptics use the traditional date while john describes the other date. both dont know the exactndate jesus died but reference the passover as the marker or reference noting all events relative to that.'the difference and possible religious understanding of this date goes to show again how different and incompatible the synoptics and john are. there are many differences its sometimes hard to rextify why or how this happened. xians are most unaware of these and when they are they require and invent numerous creative solutions that mustnssurely be called lies or at the least ridiculous stretches of truth?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The date for Memorial in 1976, calculated by our present method, falls on Wednesday, April 14, after sundown. The full moon also occurs on this same date. So if, in the future, any of Jehovah’s people should be out of touch with the governing body, they could determine the Memorial date with fair accuracy from local calendars that show the first full moon after the spring equinox. The celebration would then take place after sundown of the day on which the full moon occurs.

    This is only an approximate way of calculating when the memorial should take place if you are out of touch with the WTS. In fact using the method they recomend, counting 14 days from when the first sliver of the new moon can be seen in Jerusalem will give a date for the Memorial that is NOT on a Full Moon more times than when it occurs on a Full Moon. This year is typical, Full Moon occurs Friday 10:19 pm.

    The reason the WTS reject the astronomical new moon calculation is they think it was the 4th Century before these calculations were set in place and the 1st Century Christians would look for the new moon to be visible. This may be true but people knew how to calculate when a new moon was due long before the first century. Remember the case of David and Jonathon; he was concerned that David would be absent for the meeting on the day of the upcoming new moon.


  • socstu

    Hey there, sorry for hijacking this - I'm not sure how to do this otherwise? But dyakoub I sent you a message.

    I don't think these forums let people know when they are sent one? Sorry for interrupting.


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