NW and Eze 23:20

by Haereticus 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Haereticus

    I just wonder if by any chance The New World Translation is somewhere in the net? I tried to look for it but mostly I found critisism. I lost my copy tens of years ago and have to get a copy of my own.

    The question in a local forum is about the Eze 23:20 in which the NW translated into finnish sounds extremely strange when compared with other translations. If there is no link to the NWT availlable would somebody just quote this beforementioned verse?

  • LittleToe

    (NWT) And she kept lusting in the style of concubines belonging to those whose fleshly member is as the fleshly member of male asses and whose genital organ is as the genital organ of male horses.

    (RSV) and doted upon her paramours there, whose members were like those of asses, and whose issue was like that of horses.

    (KJV) For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.

    (CEV) She eagerly wanted to go to bed with Egyptian men, who were famous for their sexual powers.

    (BBE) And she was full of desire for her lovers, whose flesh is like the flesh of asses and whose seed is like the seed of horses.

  • Haereticus

    Thanks Little Toe

    As you see NW differs from those other translations. I only saw the finnish translation and would not believe my eyes.

  • Justin


    The "Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament" translates Ezekiel 23:20 as: "and-she-lusted after lovers-of-her who genital-of donkeys genital-of-them and-emission-of horses emission-of-them."

    The Hebrew word appearing above "genital" is a form of "basar," and according to the Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, it basically means "flesh," with a derived euphemistic meaning of "male organ of generation."

    The word appearing above "emission" is a form of "zirmah," which the Lexicon defines as "issue (of semen verile)."

    So "genital" belongs with the donkeys and "emission" with the horses. Therefore, the NWT has it wrong and the other translations have it right.



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