Effective JW Hotline ads, Leaflets: Suggestions?

by Room 215 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,

    I've been thinking about running a small classified ad for 1-800-WHY 1914 hotline in the local paper. Has anyone seen any well-written ads?

    Ditto for any leaflets (like the ``Danger at Your Door""), i.e. well-written, not too polemical but thought-provoking and designed to get the public or a prospective JW convert thinking and pointed in the direction of useful alternative information?

    Any suggestions, or experiences along these lines, would be greatly appreciated.

  • Mindchild

    Hey Roomie

    Okay, I just woke up so I'm not at my creative peak but here is a few ideas to get you started. For the classified ad you want to keep it short and sweet but have a "hook" that draws attention. Here are a few examples:

    B 4 U C A JW R U sure you are not talking to a pedophile?


    B 4 U C A JW DO U wonder why they secretly joined the UN but at the same time publicly defamed it?


    Have you seen a Jehovah's Witness lately or did you avoid the accident?

    ...sorry I just couldn't help myself.

    As for the tract, I've been thinking that using the offical WTS statistics of how many thousands of hours it takes to actually convert a newbie to the fold and translate that into the dollar amount (say minimum wage) plus the fact that they used nearly a billion gallons of gasaline last year to convert people (probably translates into well over $10,000 spent per each new convert) and anyway the idea would be something along the line: Why did Jehovah's Witnesses spend $$$$$$$ trying to convert you into their faith last year? Then you could list the scandals, the fact that they have less college education than any other religious group in America, etc. for filler material.

    Hope this gives you a few ideas.

    Kind Regards,


  • Englishman


    YYUR YYUB ICUR YY 4 ME is what a dub would reply.


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • ARoarer

    Hi Room, I have actually wanted to do the same thing. Especially after hearing on the news today the Jehovah's Witnesses are going to the Supreme Court to argue their "constituional rights" which they have no respect for. What about the pictures on this site showing the destructive message and pictures of children and puppies killed and burning buildings that look like the work of the Taliban? People at the doors should be aware that these key teachings are why the Watchtower Society has not regard for women and children and protect pedophiles. Can these pictures be downloaded and copied and distributed and even sent to the Supreme Court or FBI? Just a thought.

  • anewperson

    Here's a 2 paragraph leaflet. Trim it down etc as you may please:

    SHOCKING FACTS TOLD OUT OF LOVE TO THE CONGREGATION & PUBLIC: The Watchtower Society (WTS) over Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) cover up child molestation & let pedophiles go door-to-door http://www.silentlambs.org. They say God opposes the UN but, until exposed, in 1991-2001 were a formal UN associate not just to use the UN's library as proved if you will read the Nov 22, 1998 Awake magazine closely & http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/materials/articles.htm for the 2nd entry there. 1 Cor 6:1 only says judge "trivial" things as in business, James 2:4-13 calls judging harmful, & Paul says the "majority" (2 Cor 2:6) followed his advice to shun a wrongdoer, meaning a minority chose not to & yet he nowhere condemns them, yet the WTS has formal Judicial Committes destroying families via numerous formal renderings of disfellowshipment (shunning).

    Acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 Sam 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve & no verses show God not forgiving them. Christ says God also forgave David's eating temple holy bread & that God wants Mercy Not Sacrifice. (Mt 12) The May 22, 1994 Awake tells of 26 JW kids who died without transfusions, & by common sense in massive bleeding as in car wrecks blood expanders won't save lives http://www.ajwrb.org. About 3 JWs die daily earthwide from the unscriptural policy! (Blood On The Altar by David Reed) Why must anyone be endangered? JWs can form nonWTS groups united by LOVE, join another group or decrease donations & support to the WTS. Please make & use copies of this for years ahead. It was written out of love for our JW families & friends as well as the public's - yours too!

  • anewperson

    Also good though inexpensive are cutting a poster board down in size, putting it out of the driver's vision area in the back of a car window, and having on it a brief message like for example "Jehovah's Witness Sexual Abuse:" followed by the toll-free phone number of silentlambs.

  • silentlambs

    There is a selection of posters, news ads, and business cards on the silentlambs website, feel free to use them if you wish. Any creative suggestions will be considered, just send them in word format to [email protected].

  • anewperson



    Were YOU a sexually abused JW?
    silentlambs.org 1 877-WTABUSE

    Sexually Abused JW?


    So tiny, easy to make cheap and leave about at conventions, in kingdom halls etc. I once dreamed somebody dashed several handsful of these over the railing at a convention. Or put them near an air-conditioning vent, left, then 10 minutes later it came on and blew them all over the place.

  • ofcmad

    Yeah.. I have seen some ads in the penny savers here in northeast Georgia.

    The word is even hitting the podunk towns.


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