Verses missing from the New World Translation - write a verse to make it complete

by usualusername 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    It has come to my knowledge that a number of verses are missing from the New World Translation - So I would like forum members to write me a verse to make it complete.

    Lets start with..

    Rev 23:1
    I will never use an organisation to run my religious affairs. I am way bigger than that.

    Rev 23:2
    Blood transfusions show you respect life.

    Rev 23:4
    If any geezer says he knows more about the Bible than you, slap him thrice.

    Rev 23:5
    Marriage does not prove you love someone.

    Rev 23:6
    Everybody masturbates so do it well.

    Any other verses you would like to my NWT update?

  • anezthy

    Usualusername... Thanks for the laughs. Who cares what missing in the bible. Live long, never join another organization, accept blood transfusions as they might extend your life before you become cosmic dust, never slap anyone cause you might go to jail, screw marriage (no pun intended), and masturbate everyday. Have a wonderful life cause this is all there is. Saint Peter is not at the Pearly Gates.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    7. Don't get caught up interpreting scriptures. Just be nice to one another.

    8. If you can't be nice, just stay away from them or ignore them. That's what my Mum used to say.

    9. Some days are diamonds, some days are stones. Oh wait, that's a song lyric...

  • mP

    I like Rev 30:1

    Young children must satisfy the sexual delights of older men of the church.

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