God's Word for us through Jeremia: Sound advice for working husbands?

by bats in the belfry 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    The GB for sure likes telling husbands what they expect of them to do.

    What is the sound and balanced(?) advice coming from them? Your job to provide for your family is not as important as the meetings. We tell you to "choose what is really valuable".

    Don't you realize how foolish it would be to choose for yourself a convenient way to please God?

    Now I was under the distict impression Jesus taught differently. "Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh YOU. (...) For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

  • mP

    only a fool would listen to jeremiah and his racist diatribe. every page he is conde,ning people to death by smashing their kids or cursing them to eat tgeir own kids after boiling them alive.

  • Atomahawk

    As it pertains to the subject, the big question that everyone that is still a JW should be asking is, is it reasonable too allow a religious organization to determine how you financially support yourselves and others under your care. How many times does the mistake have to be repeated before these people will wake up to the reality that we live in the real world. Education no matter what form it takes (higher or trade) is a benefit and advantage that shouldn’t be ignored.

    Fact, if the top brass is so knowledgeable and wise, they wouldn’t be harping on the issue today. Just like politicians and business leaders of the world they like to keep the subordinates ignorant. The GB seem sincere but ask yourself this, how long would they be able to survive outside the fortress without aid or assistance from others? Its always easy to tell people how to live when your living on someones dime. They always call their point of view “balanced advice from the faithful and discreet slave class”

    Balance is definitely out of the question when reading the article. When you don’t share their balance view, they lay the guilt trap down!

    Here's some food for thought: What did Jesus do before starting his preaching work? 30 Years he must have learned a thing or two about real life, you know the life that normal people have to face on a daily basis. In those days you didn’t survive very long if you sat on your backside so unless Jesus was a beggar or already financially set which is highly unlikely, he was either working with Joseph or someone else. I'd bet you if Jesus was here he would say “walk the straightest line possible in your faith but don’t expect me to give you a living! Don't steal or hurt others to get ahead but do what you have to do too survive and thrive”.

    The great GB always forcefully suggesting how and when you should be jumping.

  • WTWizard

    This washtowel article is rubbish, and that's on top of that Jeremiah was coerced by Jehovah into spreading a message he didn't want (and assuming also that you can believe a word in that LIE-ble). Yes, Jeremiah (like all the Israelites) were racist, destroying people who were minding their own business simply because they didn't worship Jehovah). I would not want to be intolerant like Jeremiah.

    The main point is, the Washtowel wishes everyone to sacrifice work for boasting sessions. You do need to make money to live, especially now when hyperinflation will happen the instant everyone loses faith in the dollar (and that could happen at any time, without warning). You need to provide good things now, getting quality now so things don't break when the dollar is worthless. You need to get invested in hyperinflation-proof investments (gold and silver). You need to learn a skill so you have something to barter with. True, doing just one thing will improve your odds, but the more you can do, the better.

    Going to a boasting session does come with the opportunity cost. You lose the chance to develop that skill for barter or to make the money to get quality items or put away a little in silver or gold. At that cost, what are the benefits? You learn the same rubbish every week, and there is nothing spiritual involved with that religion. They measure spirituality with how many hours of field circus you do, how many boasting sessions you attend and what you have to go through to be there, and how well you obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. In reality, you feel no attachment to either Jesus or Satan. You see only the fake attachment through the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. This is NOT spirituality! So, you lose opportunity to gain nothing but rubbish!

    I think I would rather work. It might not be fun, but at least I can bring home a few more toilet papers while I can still exchange them for better material things that will last, or silver and gold. If I want spirituality, I will find a religion that allows me to directly contact spirits and allows me the open mind I need to find the truth with all the evidence destroyed by the Catholic church during the Inquisition.

  • TOTH

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