So, how are you doing? (help/encouragement for newbies)

by Lozhasleft 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    There's quite a few newbies around lately, and often struggling to envision a life after the WTBS. Maybe if we share a little about how we're doing we can provide reassurance and hope?

    Me, I'm doing just fine. Been out of the Org now for 5 years. Just weeks away from finishing a B.A. Hons. Very happily remarried. Surrounded by great friends and in-law family. Looking forward to working abroad soon on short contracts with husband. Life is sweet.

    How are you doing?

    Loz x

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    I am doing fine thanks Loz. Finding JWN has been a godsend(LOL) It's a great place to be, to be able to interact and voice opinions with people who have been THERE is really uplifting for me, and I think also for most of us who come here on a daily basis. Thanks for asking!!!


  • Chariklo

    What Wizard said

  • N.drew

    ..What Chariklo said.

    Good thread Lozhasleft.

    I think if you are careful not to believe Satan CAN get you, Satan WON'T get you.

    Life is sweeter!

    Stay free! Haha! (It's funny because it's a feminine product)

  • panhandlegirl

    Lox, congratulationss on being "weeks away from finishing a B.A. Hons." May I ask what Hons stands for? I have been out for over 20 years but I still remember how afarid I felt after being officially df'd. I lost all my family (large) and every friend I had grown up with from the age of 5. I am doing great! Much has happened in these two+ decades. There is LIFE outside of the WBTS, even though at first it may not seem that there will be.There are many good and kind people out in the world who don't pressure you to be what they want you to be. They are not constantly judging your every action. Some actually encourage you, especially your professors.They actually think you have a brain. I am glad to have found this site. Although, I have supporative friends, I feel that only those who have experienced this crazy life understand what you have been through under this oppressive organization.

  • N.drew

    May I guess? Hons is honors. Which is very good! Congratulations Lozhasleft.

  • Lozhasleft

    Nice posts, thanks for the congrats guys, I've had a great time doing it and its led me down many other interesting paths. You're absolutely right Panhandle girl there are some really lovely 'worldly' people. Crazy that we thought of fellow humans like that isn't it?

    Loz x

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