I warn you, there are some graphic images. It seems like a young person who was insulted by a fellow JW made a video about burning her and the rest of the JW's in the kingdom hall. What do you make of this? Is this what cyber bullying is? Im not sure if I should report it or what. what do you think? its really crazy.
I am disturbed by this video and am not sure what to make of it?
by yourmomma 8 Replies latest jw friends
If it is threatening and disturbing then report it. If there is no intent then at the very least this person may need psychiatric help.
I couldn't find a news story to support it. Did anyone else? It seems like sick fiction.
The info tab says this...
The movie is of course fictional and it meant to be dark comedy. Obviously Anna Paquin if not a Jehovah Witness. -
I have seen this before but never watched all of it. It looks a bit like one of the scare type tactics Fundy's use to explain why you will go to hell and what it is like to burn . Sick stuff.
I see someone has addressed our concerns on the you-tube site via a comment.
I have seen this before, where I do not know .
Sick and amateurish. The kind of dribble love-sick fantasy-prone girls write. The internet allows people anonymity to verbalize their pathological mindsets. The writer probably entertains some notion that she is on the cusp of having a career as a screenwriter. Juvenile and silly.
The kind of dribble love-sick fantasy-prone girls write.
Hmmmm....we've got a couple of those here!
Sick sadistic humor only appeals to the sick and the mentally unhealthy.
The problem with the inter-net is that anyone can get on it and be anonymous at the same time.
The uploader of that video posts his or her name as John Smith, just as an example.
I'm sure the video will be pulled once its realized of its vulgarity.