What phone number would you call to complain about an ms or elder outside of your hall? What is the procedure if the you can not turn to the other elders?
How do you call outside of the hall to complain about an elder or ms ?
by average joe 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
The next level on the chain of command is the circuit overseer, who you are welcome to call. Your local elders should be able to supply you with his phone number. If they ask why you want his number just say I was thinking about inviting him over for a meal.
BTW What happened?
Personally I just tell the elder or ms to eff off and if they had a problem with it. Id pay some kid to give them a yardjob or throw dynamite in there yard. Then tell the elder or ms that your talking to an empty telephone and hang up
call or write to the wt society.
If you make a call to the hq, be sure to use *68 (or whatever it is that does not send your phone number through to caller-id), and use a voice-changer device. Don't give your name... or if you do, make sure it isn't yours.
If you write a letter, make sure that it can't be traced back to you. When you mail it, do so from a different post office or town, so that the postmark cannot be traced back to you.
Do I sound a bit paranoid?
Jim TX
Hey average joe!
Looking at your topics posted I'm guessing you are a sincere and honest seeker who is on the same journey many others have found themselves over the decades.
The Pharisees are not on this journey and are bound together by an impermeable (demonic) religious spirit. You may already know this to a degree. However when the full realisation hits home it is still like being hit by a ton of bricks.
They share the devil as father with their forefathers who killed the prophets.
If one seeks truth, justice, honesty and sincerity in a religious organisation one is looking in the wrong place and is doomed to disappointment. Jesus said HE is the way, the truth and the life. He was, is and always will be an enemy of religion/ists whose supposed right standing with God is but a veneer hiding rotten hearts (whitewashed graves).
It is for very good reasons that Jesus said to let these blind guides be and not to throw your pearls before these swine who will hate you and seek to devour you. They willfully chose the lie and embrace their spiritually blind, confused, inebriated and insane state.
There are millions worldwide today outside (organised) religion who have a vibrant faith and a healthy spirituality and a personal relationship with God.
Of course we all must do what we must do on our own personal journey of discovery and awakening.
I do wish you and yours the very best no matter how rocky or painful the journey - the destination is awesome.
Greetings and blessings
If you make a call to the hq, be sure to use *68 (or whatever it is that does not send your phone number through to caller-id), and use a voice-changer device. Don't give your name... or if you do, make sure it isn't yours.
The government already has a program in place to assist Witnesses to be able to make such calls or other communication without fear of reprisal. It's called the United States Federal Witness Protection Program (you can google it for the details). Basically, you and your family get relocated to another part of the country, new identities, authentic documentation (including Blood Cards, publisher records, etc.) and an address and phone number for the elders in the new congregation to request your "letter of introduction" to the new congregation.
You may want to check out this program if you plan on contacting the CO, DO or GB with information that they may consider anti-JW.
Rub a Dub
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
You can try to go elsewhere but believe me, this will backfire BIG TIME. Even if there is a legitimate problem, and by some slim chance anything is actually done about it, they will retaliate hard for going over their heads and will make sure you're put back in your place.
If you're not ready to get DF, let sleeping dogs lie; however, if someone has broken the law then don't go anywhere inside the $ociety, call the police immediately and turn them in. (Criminals do not deserve to be sheltered.)