God waits until we are genuinely ready to face hard facts before he opens our minds to just how equally wrong, aberrant and dysfunctional we all are. Mostly we humans are only ready at the lowest point in our lives - often our deathbed. Hence all the suffering we ignorantly cause others and ourselves in the meantime.
This is the reason why (Watchtower) religionists can read Rom 3:22-23 without waking up to themselves and getting it: "For there is no distinction. For all [are dysfunctional] and fall short of the glory of God".
It is only once we have woken up to ourselves that these transformative "free gifts" of the "gospel" make any real sense:
- All my sins (dysfunction) past, present and future are forgiven.
- All my sins were IMPUTED to Jesus.
- Jesus' righteousness is IMPUTED to me.
- Jesus' holiness is IMPUTED to me (an ordinary fallen sinner).
- I did not, and cannot earn, deserve or pay for any of this (using "good" works, merit or money and so on).
No wonder religionists have no idea that repentance is "awareness of my dysfunction" and are woefully ignorant of the above simple "gospel" truths. No wonder religionists are not transformed from within and must default to externalism - cosmetic changes - whitewashed graves.
No wonder Jesus was and is against religion and teaching religion which is called proselytising (Matt 23:15).
Watchtower religionists do not teach the "unabridged gospel" which is called evangelising. They proselytise or teach religion instead.