He has been by buddy since child hood we stayed in the same area and same attended the congregation. He agrees most of the things taught by the WT is rubbish...but says whats the alternative where dose he go from here. Any idea/tips.
How do I help my friend?
by on the rocks 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Given the competition for headcounts between various religious corporations, they have created a mental attitude in people that they have to chose a particular church or religious philosophy in order to have God's approval.
EVERY CHURCH OUT THERE IS CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH! Remarkably, every church out there also contains what can be defined as "true Christians"... and lot's and lot's of the other types as well.
Ask your friend if he considers himself a true Christian. Despite his imperfections, does he feel his heart is genuinely directed toward God? If the answer is yes, then it's settled. Get on with his worship. When he asks you, "W hat is the alternative? Where do I go from here?", explain to him it's not an either/or proposition. Religion, Inc. plants the idea that leaving THEM means you have to go somewhere else. NO! Leaving THEM means you took the garbage out to the curb. Leaving THEM means you are free to worship God from your heart, not from another man's or institution's dictates.
Remember this scripture? 1 Corintians 1:12,13 - “I belong to Paul,” “But I to A·pol′los,” “But I to Ce′phas,” “But I to Christ.” The Christ exists divided.
That's exactly the situation that has been created by churches today. They play their adherents against eachother, each group claims superiority, moral high ground, TRUTH, the only road to salvation, etc. The division caused by this kind of mindest is what Paul counseled against and it is the same mindset that causes your friend to ask, "W hat is the alternative? Where do I go from here?"
Tell your friend he is already where he needs to be. He just needs to do a little house cleaning.