I had this guy once as a C.O. Anybody ever have this guy as there C.O. Just curious of anybody's experiences and thoughts.
C.O. David Wesley
by 2tone 7 Replies latest jw friends
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Don't know him but guessing a-hole?
Don't know about him, but a Robert or "Bob" White was an a$$ here in America!
finally awake
We had a David Wesley as CO about 5 years ago. He was OK - there were worse ones (I'm talking about YOU John Carroll). I don't remember anything in particular about Wesley.
I had him around 1999. I was 18 at the time so my viewpoint was a lot different. He was definitely my favorite c.o. Though. Was down to earth, approachable, made an effort to reach out to younger ones. Even played basketball with some from time to time. I had him for pioneer school as well so I got to be around him for two weeks straight. I never saw or heard anything negative about him. Makes me wonder now how he slipped through the cracks.
We had him but he wasn't a standout like some of the others. Well liked but a milk toast.