Numerous churches go around trying to blame the current Agenda 21+ on Satan. They claim that Satan is trying to get the banks to totally enslave us so we can be bar-coded and live like animals.
Now, here is the question. If Satan was doing this, then where are all the churches trying to ask all their members to skip $5 of donations for one session, and put that money into buying silver? The banks are short of silver, and are relying on silver prices to stay nice and low. Just imagine if every Catholic were to buy 1/10 ounce of silver and keep the silver--the price would go up, creating a shortage and squeezing the banks. For a forgone 5 billion toilet papers, the churches could then hurt the banks, making it that much harder (if not impossible) for them to successfully enslave us. By the time they scramble for silver, they are shut down. There would be just one rule: You have to take physical home delivery for the silver, and keep it.
Now, this would seem reasonable if Satan was the one responsible for trying to enslave us. However, if it was Jehovah trying to enslave us, the churches would never go along with the idea. Remember, it only takes one person to come up with it, and I would estimate something like 95% compliance (as they are not being asked to spend money they otherwise wouldn't have donated). If Jehovah was trying to enslave us, he would cause the churches to rail against this idea.
When is the last time you have seen one of those Christian denominated churches actually sacrificing 0.1% of its wealth to make extra work for the banks to enslave us? Could this mean that Jehovah, the filthy angels, and the churches they run actually want us enslaved? And that Satan is totally exonerated. Also of note: Why would Jehovah want people to not know good from bad if he didn't intend for us to be enslaved? And why would Satan want us to know good from bad if he was trying to enslave us? (Genesis chapters 2, 3)