T-shirts and shorts don’t imply a lack of dignity any more than suits and ties imply dignity

by passwordprotected 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • passwordprotected

    We have to love the thinking of the Governing Body.

    Someone t-shirts and shorts imply that their wearer is undignified.

    Would you agree? [blog article on this subject]

    T-shirts and shorts don’t imply a lack of dignity any more than suits and ties imply the presence of it. Think it through. The bankers who are accused of raping the world’s economy wear suits and ties every day. How much dignity do we suspect they possess? Conversely, life guards wear a uniform of t-shirts and shorts. Are we to believe that their uniform implies a lack of dignity? Sorry, but the Governing Body’s reasoning doesn’t add up. - read the full article here.

    Ultimately, here’s what’s going on.

    The Governing Body has sold Jehovah’s Witnesses on the idea that how you dress and act is more important than what you believe.

    Or, perhaps more specifically, what you believe about how you dress and act is more important than what the Governing Body teaches about “truth”.

    You see, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has, for example, convinced around 7 million people that the word “generation” evidently means something different from what it actually means, thereby rendering language useless.

    So, in order to make up for this massive pink elephant pooping all over the room, the Witnesses have to be distracted.

    Distracted by being reminded, continually, that the “worldly onlookers” will be convinced that the Witnesses “have the truth” because of how they dress and act when staying in a chain hotel 3 days a year.

    Forget how illogical the teaching on “the generation” actually is. Forget how ridiculous “Judge” Rutherford’s claims about 1925 were. Forget what the Governing Body actually said about 1975. Forget the ever-changing policies on blood fractions. Forget the lives that have been squandered or lost through blindly obeying the men from Brooklyn.

    Look at how we dress…

    In reality, if you really have – and represent – absolute religious and spiritual truth, if Godtruly is using you to spread his saving message throughout humanity, you should be able to dress in sackcloth and it won’t matter; the quality and trustworthiness of your message will always – always – shine through.

  • steve2

    The Watchtower's inflexible hang-up with suit and tie for males is a stuck groove they share in common with the Mormon church. Reason has less to do with it than control of the rank and file. God knows that even the stipulated dress code doesn't always flatter them. I don't see them around the streets much in my neck of the woods, but when I did a few years ago, I could've given the JW males some basic sartorial advice: There's nothing more off-putting that obviously overweight JWs squeezing themselves into ill-fitting, unclean-looking 'crimpelene' suits with badly matching shirt and tie. I'd rather a door-knocker be dressed in business casual.

  • PaintedToeNail

    steve2-'crimpelene' suits...hahahaha! So true!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Watch for this illustration in a upcoming Kingdumb Misery...

    "Obviously a polished turd is going to give a much better impression than a casual "come-as-you-are" turd."

    You have to remember that the only qualification for the current GB is their ability to nibble crackers and sip wine once-per-year with a straight face. The only thing the understand is appearances.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Good point; I look at most of the sisters and think, "what the hell? Was the thrift store out of clothes made after 1965? Is your washer and iron broken; and I can see you have a dirty floor, but do you not own a dresser, closet or hangers? Is your hairdresser older than 5? Did your 80-year-old retired Avon lady grandma give you tips on how to "update" your look? And just because you can get it cheap in a box from Wal-Mart doesn't mean your hair should be THAT color."

    I don't see how being clean, presentable and appropriately dressed for your the setting can be undignified, but I do see how making yourself stick out like a sore thumb can.

  • panhandlegirl

    I remember when my older super JW sister came home after she married a A super JW. She informed me that I needed to start wearing a girdle. I was 18 and weighed 101 lbs. I objected and told her I didn't need one. Her reply:

    all the sisters wear a girdle. It looks better, and your skirts need to be below the knee. That was in 1962. Although I was a JW, I ignored her advice. And yes, I agree with the statement:

    I don't see how being clean, presentable and appropriately dressed for your the setting can be undignified, but I do see how making yourself stick out like a sore thumb can.

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