Hey NewChapter!
In truth I suppose the majority of those that leave get to do it in their own strength.
In my case however it seems the addiction to religion, or the Watchtower's version of it, was just far too strong. I was also a 3rd generation born-in with no prior reference points or frameworks to hold on to.
I was able to rationalise away all Watchtower faults, even those that badly affected me and my family.
I actively rationalised away my father's tortured existence, his death, my brother's suicide, my wife's incestuous rape from ages 6 to 13, catestrophic fraud against our family business, widespread mental illness, physical illness, Silent Lambs and all the victims, 1975, 1914, birthdays, the generation of 1914, cultic mind control, a surreptitious clergy laity class, blind yet authoritarian Pharisees, star chambers, conditional "love", closed-mindedness, prejudice, ignorance, sectarianism, denominationalism, legalism, moralism, ethnocentrism, Gnosticism, teaching religion (proselytising Matt 23:15), a supremacist doomsday cult, and probably more...
I needed serious medicine.
I found it in Jesus.
I am no longer addicted to religion, or afraid of its power, or ignorant of its seductive mechanics, ploys and deception.