Have you done a "sin" that you didn't confess to the elders?
Question to those who are still JW's.....
by XPeterX 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, well... I'm sure most teenage boys don't admit a certain one.
(Of course, I'm not implying anything about myself here... )
double07, not just teenage boys ...
Let's see, during my JC, I never mentioned smoking pot or getting drunk or gambling... And I never went and confessed to the other men I slept with besides the one I admitted "porneia" with.
Some scriptures suggest a serious problem with religionists' interpretation of "confession" and "sin":
(1 John 1:8) . . .If we make the statement: “We have no sin,” [or dysfunction] we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us.
(1 John 1:10) . . .If we make the statement: “We have not sinned,” [are not dysfunctional] we are making him a liar, and his word is not in us.
*** it-2 p. 970 Sin, I ***
Remission of Sins. As shown in the article DECLARE RIGHTEOUS (How “counted” righteous), Jehovah God in effect ‘credits’ righteousness to the account of those living according to faith. In so doing, God correspondingly ‘covers over,’ ‘wipes out,’ or ‘blots out’ the sins that would otherwise be charged against the account of such [persons who live by faith in unmerited favour, instead of trying to prove themselves righteous by works of the law].IMPUTED righteousness.
Law vs grace.
Faith vs works.
Gifts righteousness vs works-righteousness.
A free gift vs something earned, deserved or paid for.
"Works of the law" vs "works of faith".
Simple concepts no religionist can grasp.
No, at least not yet :P
btw I am not baptized yet and don't plan on it
There are some things I did confess to the elders..and some things I didn't confess out of shame. The guilt of not telling was almost unbearable and I always thought I never had Jehovah's approval, even though I would still go to meetings and try my best to advance spiritually. But deep down inside I knew whatever I was doing would never be good enough for Jehovah cause I chose not to confess to elders everything. Sad isn't it??? The elders try and be God by judging you.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
When I was still trying to believe I figured whatever I did wrong was between God and I, no one else.
Now that the veil has been lifted I don't believe I've "sinned", so what would there be to confess?
And well there is the fact that, regardless of conviction, I wouldn't tell those hypocritical bastards anything!
Questions to fence sitters: Can the elders really help you? If you confess anything do you think they will actually help, or instead chastise, manipulate and crush you? Who truly benefits from a confession?
Deep down we know the REAL answer to these questions, so don't feel guilty, mnkay?
It all depends on the definition of the word sin. For JWs wishing someone happy birthday or merry christmas could be considered a sin...raising a glass and toasting, watching R rated movies or not going out in service when you could also have been equated to sins...These are not the sins elders are much concerned about. They are much more interested in the "dirty sins" such as fornication or even pornography as highlighted in the latest letters to the BoE. In my case I was raised as a JW from age 4 and religiously followed what I learned at the KHall so I was never involved in illicit sex, drugs or alcohol abuse. Over 50 years later, I still have nothing to confess to unqualified men who have no clue if the sinner is repentent or a good actor. I never felt any guilt ignoring the petty rules that are not backed in the scriptures because I saw them as the rules made by the pharisees to control people. And today I am free of the WT slavery and I don't have the smallest guilt.