"Cabin in the Woods" a mockery of the Judeo/christian Myth?

by hamsterbait 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    Saw it today.

    realised soon it was about an ancient death cult, who had updated its technology.

    But the idea of watchers - guiding and manipulating depending on the culture_

    Philosophically, I thought this was a major criticism of the religious myths of the West, where the true nature of reality is like the back stage of a theater, with God and Satan watching us all and pushing buttons as required.

    I always hated the Proverb about God "wrecking the work of your hands" simply because you didnt tell Him He is wonderful.

    The gory end was so OTT that I was laughing.

    What did you think of this chiller thriller??


  • Butterflyleia85

    :)i wanna see it!

  • WTWizard

    I think a lot of what you see is lamestream religion's last ditch effort to scare mankind out of true spirituality. The scum running from the top of Judaism, Christi-SCAM-ity, and Islam are manipulating the media (and that includes movies) to promote the lie that Satan is some monster that will happily destroy and possess human souls. (Yes, all three are working together on this.) As most of the religions lack the censorship found in the witlesses, they resort to using movies and TV shows to scare people away from Satan.


    At this address, you can find one video that actually exposes some of the problems and where most of the religion was actually stolen from. In-depth research will give you even more insight--and, unlike those films that the lamestream religions work so hard to influence, YouTube videos lack such widespread influence. Watch them, download them--it's no wonder they want SOPA, ACTA, and CISPA to bind the Internet.

  • mP

    who cares about a nothingmovie, harry potter = jesus. jk rowling has pretty much admitted this and the parallels are obvious if u think about it.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Wasn't sure what the 'message' was supposed to be, but I thought the movie was great!!

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I don't think it was trying to mock Judeo/Christianity, I think it was more allegory about horror tropes in movies and how the protagonists in these stories are expected to behave in order to satisfy the audience/Elder Gods that these movies are made for. It was a damn clever movie, I will say. I did not expect the last 3rd of the movie to turn out like it did, not matter how much the trailer gave away.

  • the_raisin

    The message in itself is deep... and very scary. Jebus, I would imagine there are probably nuts out there who would agree with this set up!!!

    The movie in itself is pretty good regardless!

  • Butterflyleia85

    wtwisard, i like that you posted the youtube seen that clip when researching about jesus and paganism. enjoyed it.

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