Hi! I live in Rio de Janeiro . I can not write in English. Use the Google translator . I'm only away from the Jehovah's Witness. I was not expelled. My family are Jehovah's Witnesses.
In the early 2000s , created a website to facilitate the Portuguese-speaking encotrar more critical information about the Jehovah's Witnesses . It is the site http://indicetj.com
A lawyer for the Watchtower , here in Brazil , placed the site on justice. So , I removed a lot. Today the site is simple .
I turned away because of the Watchtower strange figures in the publications. I believe that these figures may cause curiosity for the active witnesses . This happened to me . They were the way to other things that made me see the bad side of Jehovah's Witnesses . For this reason , the Portuguese -speaking public can access articles on this subject. Congratulations on the forum.
An arm for all participants .
Indicetj.com - Presentation
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