I am a Bible Believing Christian. I have done hundreds of hours of research on Jehovah Witness beliefs in order to properly witness to them. My research is on going. I was reading John 3 the other day, and the thought came across to me... how do Jehovah Witnesses see Nicodemus? Do they see him as one of the 'anointed', the 'Born Again'? There's a point to this question, but I was wondering if anyone could answer that for me before I get to it?
Was Nicodemus considered to be 'anointed'?
by Lyssa 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
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Lyssa; I can not recall if JW,s beleive Nicodemus was of
the anointed, but I have A question for you. Since we are
talking about Nico, was he making light of Jesus when he ask
those two silly questions? John 3;4. "How can A man be born
when he is old." He should have stop with the first question, but
no, "can he enter A second time into his mother womb and
be born"? Ok, was he serious or suffer from slowness of the mind.
Nico were one of the leading sects within Judaism. A man
who was respected by the other Jews and enjoyed social,
political, and religious power.
I beleive that,s why in John3:2 he came by night to see Jesus.
To be seen with, let alone going to see A new street Preacher
who was doing and saying some unorthodox things.
Yes he was making light of Jesus. True?
I don't think Nicodemus was mocking Jesus.
I think he was totally mystified by the comment that unless a person is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.
He didn't get that the new birth was a spiritual experience.
He was like a JW who takes "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" to be a statement about literal flesh and literal blood rather than a metaphor for the natural, spiritually unchanged person...
It,s interesting that the Jews had no concept of
spiritual things. Nicodemus was well versed in the law.
He thought Jesus was referring to reincarnation.
No need to get down on Nicodemus.
After 20 centuries of church history, the WTS still has no idea what Jesus was talking about...
I absolutey don't think Nicodemus was mocking Jesus. I think he was too thick to understand what Jesus was saying. He barely understood earthly things. Jesus said how could he understand heavenly things then? I think Nicodemus was trying to understand, and that's why he asked the question again. I actually rather like Nicodemus. He's a great story in the Bible.
The funny part about the question of "can he enter A second time into his mother womb and be born" is that it is a play on words based in the Greek language only. The same play on words doesn't work in Aramaic, which is the language that Jesus spoke.