I want to write a short article on the new WT sects (NOT considered harmful cults) of the Watchtower that have been developing in the Watchtower world, if for nothing more than to scare the Watchtower into the full-blown realization that their greatest fears have now begun to develop into early fruition.
Many Witnesses have had enough, and are demonstrating it by "shaking the dust off their feet" and forming their own associations, registered or not, with the noble motives of helping lost Witnesses and ex-Witnesses. This information will not be used to discredit them, rather to advertise them. (In the article I will leave the word "sects" out because many consider it an evil term... but hey, the Watchtower is a sect of Judaism/Christianity itself and ALSO a high-control CULT.) Technically, even Christianity is a sect of Judaism (not implying a negative connotation). Mainstream Christianity as a whole is not a cult, nor am I implying such.
Excluding Bible Students and older such groups (although a list of them would be handy) I would like a list of new havens for the broken and lost that I can link to, with a favorable short description of each. These are not destructive cults by modern parlance, but technically sects (not a derisive term if you are a sect of a false representation of historical Christianity like the WT) but rather break-off groups mostly concerned with the welfare and nurturing of those disaffected by the WT.
If you belong to or know of such a group (not hearsay but proof of the group's existence) please tell me a little about the name, purpose and link to their site. I think this will shake up quite a few JWS, but even more so advertise an alternative, more healthy felowship without authoritarian leadership.
This will embolden many borderline JWs to have hope that they are not alone and DO have alternative fellowship options. A link to their purpose or beliefs would be helpful, too.
Randy Watters