I do think he would have been reproved, and likely made to wait for "privileges(??)". However, he richly deserved to be disfellowshipped--for invading innocent nations on a first-strike offensive basis to destroy their native religions. He murdered tens of thousands of people just for not worshiping his god. To me, that is far more serious than adultery, mishandling the ark, or taking an illegal census.
In fact, if I had to pick a president, I would rather have Osama Obama any day rather than Tyrant David. Now, all I have to worry about is gas at 9 toilet papers a gallon (I ride a bicycle), expensive electricity (I am in the process of switching my energy-waster CFL bulbs to LED), hyperinflation (most of my savings are in silver), ACTA (which is why I am buying the CDs on Joy of Satan instead of mooching it on YouTube for free, so I will still have the instructions and the sermons therein), and general martial law. Under Tyrant David, homophobia would be worse (yet, I would probably be prohibited from finding the opposite sex because Tyrant David would want it for himself). The denigration of women would be worse. I would expect taxes to approach 100%, and silver not even available (he would confiscate it). Bad-mouthing the Jewish, Christian, or Muslim religions even if by pointing out fallacies straight from their own holy documents would be a death-penalty offense (yet, I would be required to stick my nose into people's business and rat out any gay people or someone working on the Sabbath).
Not to mention that I value my freedom to select what, if any, religion I wish to follow. If I choose not to show up at a church, synagogue, or mosque, that is my prerogative. Tyrant David would force me into the synagogue when it is time to go, regardless. And I had better not have any Ouija boards or use genuine spiritual healing systems, or I could be put to death. Last I checked, Osama Obama hasn't succeeded in regulating these tools. And, the NDAA he passed only brands Christians as potential terror suspects, without saying a peep about Satanists.