Dirty dirty MTS School Secrets

by usualusername 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    Yo peoples.

    I attended the MTSchool at the tender age of 23 in the UK. It was the thing for ambitious young (Theocratic) men apparently. As a serial masturbator I knew something was wrong when I was accepted. Anyways back to my observations.

    A few things stood out from my training:

    In the introductory comments it was made clear that we are here to learn Jehovah's standards and it is not a school for challenging the society. In previous classes I heard that the MTS was all about being able to speak freely, mano o mano.

    Do not go beyond the things written was repeated several times each day for two months. And they were not talking about the Bible. They were referring to Watchtowers, KMs and society letters. 1 Cor 4:6 was used for this.

    With almost as much passion Matt 24:45-47 (Faithful and Discreet Slave) was repeated as God's chosen channel (mantra-like). I believed they were before but they kept on drumming this into us. Why? By graduation I was convinced this was the most important verse in the Bible (for JWs).

    A weird moment was when the classed was asked who owns the Kingdom Halls. After several wrong answers we were told Jehovah, fullstop. It was kinda scary as in don't even bother challenging us kinda way.

    One other odd memory was if we were ever assigned to Bethel, we will meet the men that Jehovah has appointed. When we see them daily we may observe bizarre behaviour but that makes no difference as Jehovah has chosen them. Circular reasoning perhaps?

    One final odd moment. We asked how does Jehovah actually appoint elders and MSs as in what happens at Bethel? Does a geezer sit in a room and fill in a form or does Jehovah appear to him and say yes, yes, no, no, pedo etc? The MTS answer. Jehovah appoints them!

    Glad I got that off my chest. It was over 15 years ago I attended.

  • Kojack57

    Well, I'm sure NOW that you know it to be a load of B.S.

    Sorry you had to waste your time but I'm sure it was an eye opener.


  • wannaexit

    Glad you got off your ches :)

  • blond-moment

    Thanks for sharing. I always find the behind the doors info very interesting. Bethel stories I also find interesting, always wanted to go myself, oh so grateful things turned out differently.

  • shopaholic

    Hope you feel lighter after sharing. It amazes me that more people that participate in some form of extended service don't see through the smoke almost immediately.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Jehovah has his own room called "Bethsarim" at every Bethel in the world so he can visit anytime....it has a pool table and a full bar.

  • WTWizard

    This Value Destroyer Training School is a complete waste. First, the obvious--you waste the time to attend. For what? To build up congregations in some backward area of your country, if not in Nigeria?

    Second, you are wasting your spirituality. You give up sex, which hinders you spiritually. When you dirtify sex, you are keeping that sacral chakra blocked. And until that is opened and fully functional, the higher chakras cannot open and do their jobs. Good spiritual health means all 7 major chakras are working in top condition, especially that crown chakra. (Which requires them all to be working optimally.) When you make sex dirty, you are blocking that energy, preventing you from ever being spiritually healthy. Sure, they give you a stinking LIE-ble, but what good is that going to do when your chakras are ruined by its very teachings?

    Not to mention lost career opportunities, the expense of moving (even across town), not knowing how long it will be before you are called, and having to wait at home for that call. Which to me is a complete waste. Then you waste the expense of going.

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