May i suggest an article and look for the article denominationism_there isbutonetruechurch. I dont belong to this ministry it helps us see that there is no church or organisation on earth . The true church is Jesus and his followers who worship him in spirit and truth and do not belong to any man made church. Like most denominations of Christianity the people are enslaved by men and cant break free to follow Jesus. "Get out of her my people" is the warning in revelation. It warns us about the churches (all of them) who are part of the world including watchtower society who are well engrossed in the stock market, rela estate, freemasonry ( see the gravestone of charles russel).They are members of the United nations as an ngo for over ten years ( many witnessses dont know theses things). The governing body signed an allegence to the united statrs to obtain passports you cna actually see their signatures and passports. There are hundreds of things like this.
There is no true church except Jesus
by maccauk11 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey maccauk11!
A belated welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay and maybe even get to make a few friends.
Indeed. Religionists understand the "church" to be a building, which is unscriptural. In scripture we are not called to GO or COME to church, but to BE the church.
It would be interesting to have a read of the full article if you could copy the address from your browser address bar. I did look but cannot find it, since the home page has a lot of information on but nothing about denominationalism.
Greetings and blessings.
QLD, Australia
Mathew 16:18 would say otherwise to your post.
hmm, well, if you say so
shorter paragraphs are easier to read, btw
How can Jesus be a church if he never existed. Bart Ehrman released a book just the other week called "Did Jesus Exist" and the proofs or lack thereof show just how little proof we have for Jesus.
The best one can extract from all of Pauls many writings about jesus is he had a brother called James and that he died for us. Thats right all those writings and the most we can gather amounts to a dozen words. The problem with the James scripture which i recall was from Galatians, is we cant be sure its brother as in blood or sibling or just brother like faith. The KJV itself doesnt translate the scripture as sibling brother but brethren.
The other non biblical references are of course from many years after Jesus was supposed to exist. All we have from these 4, Seutonis, Josephus, Pliny the Younger amounts to he was called Chrestus and was worshiped like a god. Nothing about his miracles, wehre he was born, or where he died, the virgin birth by his mother Mary, the names of any of the apostles or other famous xians. Absolute nothing.
So much for the son of God using his powers and smarts to leave a definitive history. The proofs for jesus are a joke, a very sick sad pathetic joke. The more i read the more amazing that the charade lasted this long. Im not sure if it tells one just how gullable humans are or how few or badly read believers truely are.
The Church of Satan is the path to truth!
Yes, I believe the Church of Satan is better than Jesus. Anyone else realize that Jesus' history was stolen from around 20 other people that supposedly had the same type of lifestyle? Either Jesus never existed at all, or his life story was embellished to the point of being worthless to guide anyone. Either way, if the source of Jesus is false, his church is worthless.
You might also enjoy researching other left-hand path religions. LaVey went well, as far as he went. He paved the road for other Satanists to follow, and some of those are groups that actually believe in a benevolent Satan (who is actually our creator and would-be liberator). As most right hand path religions so threaten people that look at the left-hand path with hellfire or Gehenna, it takes a good deal of courage to look there. And, religions are designed to make their members highly offended to even think of looking somewhere else. Which is why thorough research is necessary before deciding you want Satan and his demons as your spiritual parents. Otherwise, you are bound to have doubts or to be frightened (by angels, no less) back to the right-hand path.
Matt 16:18 still speaks of people being the church. On this rock (Peter) He will build his church. Why? "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven." Faith and Spirit.
Christ Alone
In my opinion, Christianity and denominationalism are 2 very different things.
The True Church cannot be seen, it is not built by human hands, it is spiritual (HEBREWS) therefore there cannot be a physical representation of it on earth. All physicla representations of it were done away with in the 1st century and the destruction of the temple in 70ad, shows How The Father now deals with us in the spirit and not in the flesh anymore. Thus the end of law. All things that claim to be Gods Kingdom on earth are counterfeit, a delusion. All that is left is spirit,truth and love