Crisis of Confidence...GB vs. Legal/Support

by Momma-Tossed-Me 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    There is a division of confidence amoung the above two bodies.

    The GB feels it has no need to worry since they have God's Spirit.

    The Legal/Support Departments see the writing on the wall or the reality inwhich we live.

    Someone has to balance this between the two parties inorder to maintain the stability of the WTBTS.

    It appears at this time the support staff is winning by using the facts concerning the lack of liquidity that the Org is experiencing now.

    At some point the staff will have to deliver the bad news to the GB that they can no longer cover up the loss of adherents.

    Hopefully some time soon.


  • blondie

    Sadduccees = religious aspect of Jews before 70 C.E.

    Pharisees = legal aspect of Jews before and after 70 C.E

    The Sadduccees are gone and the Pharisees remain even in the WTS eventually.

  • pontoon

    The legal, accounts, business offices of Wat. Corp absolutely need the GB and they know it. The GB is the link between the Corporation and the hearts, minds, and most important the POCKETS of the publishers. It's the belief that the GB is in touch with what Jeh wants and requires that makes the whole religion work. If it was legal that decided a change in blood policy was needed, (fractions) it would have to come from the GB. When accountants say to cut the cost of printing it has to appear it was a GB decision, and so it goes. The publishers don't have to think, it's from the GB so it has to be so, aren't we thankful for their direction. Because GB has no new spiritual instruction they harp on dress, education, association,.... giving the appearance they are caring for the flock. If ever the publishers knew who really controlled Wat Corp it would all unravel real fast. Just my opinion.

  • Phizzy

    The GB are basically puppets of the behind the scenes boys of Legal and Writing. A bit like Government Ministers here in the U.K who really do nothing without the say-so of permanent Civil Servants who wield the real power.

    No GB member has the balls to stand up for anything unless he has heard from the puppet masters that it is O.K, then he knows he is with the majority on the GB who have already been told how to vote, and what to argue for before the vote.

    Even a modern day Rutherford would find it hard to break in to as a member , and if he was in as one of the GB, would not be able to influence policy his way.

  • RayPublisher

    @Phizzy - I've heard the "GB are puppets the real power is in legal" reasoning before, but I find it hard to believe. The brief time I was there they were firmly in control and had carte blanche as far as I could see, although I was a peon so I didn't know a lot that went on.

    Do you have more info to support this? I'm interested in this if you do. Thanks.

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