Christians fleeing the birth place of Christianity, I find that odd.

by jam 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    Watching 60 min. last nite it appears that Christians are

    fleeing the Holy land (Jerusalem), because it is not safe.

    Among Christians there is the popular fascination that the

    establishment of Israel in 1948 was the begainning of the

    End Times. The Jews will rebuild the Temple and etc. (Ezekiel 36;24)

    The report stated, the population of Christians are very low and

    declining. On one side the Moslem (numbers are increasing) and

    the other side the Jews. The Christians are being squeezed out.

    Two questions, First, How is this suppose to play out for Christians.

    How are you going to benefit for A prophecy specifically for the Jews?

    Secondly, by the Jews returning to their homeland do Christians

    believe this make them one step closer to Christ return?

  • stillin

    I watched that segment with heightened interest because it seemed to be a skillfully-crafted piece of propaganda. It seemed to be designed to rally support in the US for Isreal's plight.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I didn't think it was proPalestinian of proIsrael. My brother-in-law's family is Arab Christian. They face much discrimination. I read about the various Arabic forms on wikipedia b/c the West knows so little about one of the very oldest forms of Christianity. Faced with two cultures squeezing them, I would rather emigrate to a multicultural society.

    Can you imagine no local Christians in Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem? It is very sad. I don't know much about their economic social status. It could be that besides the culture clash, they have a low birth rate.

    I wish 60 Minutes had investigated solutions or proposed solutions to the problem. All the congregations seemed rich in music and art. They certainly were not KHs.

  • Nambo

    Just as the JWs get things wrong through an incomplete knowledge of the Bible, History and current world affairs, so does the rest of Christianity, especially Christian Zionists whose hands must by now be dripping with Arabic blood.

    The Temple in Ezekiel is not one that will be built by Human hands, at least not by hands that reject the Christ as the "Jews" do for Jesus river of water of life emits from it.

    Those "Jews" who have taken over Palestine are not even Jews, they are Khazars who converted to Judaism 700 years after God ended that religion, that is why most of the ruling Jewish Elite look more like desendants of Japath than Shem, there is probably more Abrahamic DNA in the persecuted Palestinians than the Israelis. Rev 2 v 9 I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue if Satan.

    You will find all the descriptions of Babylon the Great fit Jerusalem and the Jewish world bankers far more than they fit Rome and the empire of false religion, especially if you compare Matthew 23 with the last verse of Revelation 18.

    It is no suprise therefore that she who has the blood of Christians in her skirts should be an inhospitable place for Christians today.

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