SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT DEPARTMENT theocratic The currently allocated Samuelson is William Patterson and his assistant Sam Roberson department -As assistant to Michael Burnett has ex-missionary and teacher of Gilead since the end of 2007. -Mark Noumair professor of theocratic schools since 1996. Kenneth Stovall-school aide Lawrence Doyle-school aide -James Hinderer school aide. -Under the direction of the education department schools monitor theocratic Gilead School, the school for Branch committee members and school superintendents Travelers. From the 2010 annual meeting are held every year two classes of branch committee members and for travelers. The committee oversees the education offered at the meetings and assemblies, preparation of audiovisual resources and prepares programs Gilead schools and other schools. The committee currently is composed of education if I do not let anyone in the ink. -Stephen Lett, Geoffrey Jackson's governing body -Assistant William Malenfant David Schafer-Assistant -Assistant David Merchant Each branch is responsible for overseeing the Bible School for Boys Singles and the new Bible School Christian Marriage. Prior to all these arrangements the two main instructors of the School of Gilead went LAWRENCE BOWEN AND WALLACE LIVERANCE BOWEN LAWRENCE participated as an instructor from the class was held at 106 to class 122 Marzo/1999 held in March 2007. WALLACE LIVERANCE ex-missionary and teacher of Gilead from Octubre/93 which already have some participation in class 96 which was held in March 1994 to 122 class was held in March 2007. Then cease to be instructors at the school and invited them both to them from leaving Bethel. What happened to these two instructors? Not happen they had a crisis of conscience and could not continue where they were? Or as Edward Dunlap were on a witch hunt to investigate their personal beliefs?
by juancarloshg 1 Replies latest jw friends
i would also like to know what happened to Wally, does anyone know? Perhaps this is one for Barb.