Religion's simple recipe for authoritarian and absolute CONTROL of the "dumb sheeple"

by Fernando 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    1. The Bible is God's infallible WORD.
    2. We are God's only and infallible representatives. We are always right no matter how wrong we are.

    Thinking for a minute about the outcome achieved using these premises, they simply can't be true and reflective of God's intent with the Bible, and the reality of the Bible's current content and condition.

  • uninformed

    Very succinct.

    Well said.

    I too hate all religion.


  • WTWizard

    First, you treat the LIE-ble as an absolute authority. I can go right into Genesis, and not three full chapters in I realize that Jehovah is trying to enslave mankind by withholding the right to make decisions, and Satan is my Savior (not Jesus). Only a few pages into their own LIE-ble, and they already exposed Jehovah as a tyrant and Satan as your best friend and freedom fighter. Of course, religions don't say anything about this--only that Jehovah (our Stepfather) has the absolute right to enslave us all.

    What this really does is prepares us for global enslavement. Worse than Agenda 21+. Once everyone is expecting the Second Coming (and not the Coming of the Sun, but of Jesus), they will install a one-world government run, not from the banks but from the Vatican. We will enter a Dark Ages worse than the First Dark Ages, right in what was supposed to be the Golden Age of Aquarius no less! The Law of St Benedict will be enacted at its worst, along with the worst of Sharia Law, and become the law of the land. And instead of disgrace, you get either stoned to death or burned at the stake (and tortured) for minor infringements. Science will stop dead. The earth will go back to being flat, and the center of the universe where everything revolves around it. All scientific work toward accessing the astral plane will cease, and you will all be enslaved.

    The only way to stop this is by withdrawing all support from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions. Every toilet paper you put on that collection plate pays for the Second Dark Ages--and your damnation. Withdraw membership, or at least stop attending church, synagogue, or mosque functions. Research Far Eastern religions you intend to join, because many are corrupted with the above blacklisted religions. Reinstate common sense--why would God want to deny you knowledge of good and bad if he didn't want to make those decisions for himself--to enslave you? If you must donate 10% of your income to a "religious cause", try the "silver tithe". You put 10% of your income into buying silver--and keep the silver. This is done in the name of freedom--and drives up the prices of silver, creating shortages, and forces the banks to pay back the naked shorts of silver at higher prices. This works best if you insist on home delivered physical silver, and not paper.

    If charity is what you want, I recommend a secular charity with no religious connection. If you give through a Christian organization, even if 85% of the money reaches its target (doubtful), that leaves 15% to finance your own damnation and the Second Dark Ages. Give to a charity with no religious ties, or directly to needy individuals (caution: Some countries have scams that prey on people or they intercept your donations, often giving parts of it to the Vatican for your damnation. Nigeria is one of the worst, and you will probably see many pop-ups from that country if you start giving online.) If you wish to do missionary work, find a country afflicted with a disaster and going through a secular organization or forming a small group to help them. (Without religion, of course.)

    If everyone simply stops supporting right-hand path religion, they will soon lose the vortex of psychic power (meaning you should not go to church to pray for your own damnation) and money (meaning you should never donate to a religious organization or church). Pretty soon, they will have to actually produce value for survival--and, since the parasites running the show can't produce value, that will mean their damnation.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The even simpler 2 ingredient recipe is this:



  • Zordino

    Fernando, how can you not believe that the watchtower Printing (Not so much anymore) Realestate and asset collecting EMPIRE is not God's chanel on earth today? They were appointed invisibly (ahhhhaa) in 1918 by Jesus himself. Jesus appointed a Drunken Asshole Lawyer (and his buddies) who Liked to called himself a Judge.

    Its so stupid, its actually hilarious.

  • Perry
    I can go right into Genesis, and not three full chapters in I realize that Jehovah is trying to enslave mankind by withholding the right to make decisions, and Satan is my Savior (not Jesus)

    WT Wizard,

    Do you now have or have had any children? Parents tell their children things to do and not do all the time BECAUSE THEY LOVE THEM. It matters not one whit whether or not the small child understands the reasoning behind such statements like "don't listen to strangers".

    Explain why this practice is OK for humans, but not for God in your view.

    Furthermore, Satan makes a poor father. He wants all the glory as God, but none of the responsibility that accompanies such a position. You will die and your satanic "savior" has no power over death. Jesus conqueored the grave. Death has no hold on him. He possesses the title deed to LIFE and offers it freely to "whosoever believes" .

    Belief is a choice. Our first parents chose not to believe and sin and death ensued. God has made a legal provision so that the very action that delivered an inheritance that we didn't ask for, is the very same action that gives us an inheritance that we don't deserve. John 6

    28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
    29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    @billy: You forgot the magical string on which to dangle the golden carrot.

  • 00DAD

    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb: @billy: You forgot the magical string on which to dangle the golden carrot.

    Oh, they're there all right. You just can't see them because they're .... {WAIT FOR IT} ... INVISIBLE!

    The strings are invisible just like the carrot. But now the stick, that's a different story. There are actually Two Sticks:

    1. Stick #1 - Armageddon - this too is invisible, but nevertheless highly effective in scaring the shit out of people
    2. Stick #1 - Disfellowshipping and Shunning - very visible and very effective in keeping people in line

    Armed with this arsenal of largely imaginary tools you too can start your very own cult and get people to believe in other invisible things and crazy ideas like this:

    This is One Overlapping Generation of People

  • OldGenerationDude

    Actually, any person that labels others as "dumb" is neither a good atheist or theist or human being.

    We will blame any other group of people we don't belong to except ourselves, and when we do something "dumb" ourselves we tend to blame the set of values we hold dear to us, non-religious or otherwise.

    We left a religion that labels others as "dumb" and "blind" and claiming that the set of the values of religious people is believing in "magic." They endorsed "hate" of others whose conscience moved them to hold different convictions and then patted themselves on the back for endorsing these "values" in print for others to copy.

    Then we come out and claim we are englightened by 'hating all religion' and when we call others "dumb" and "blind" and claim they are following some sort of "magic."

    That's not enlightenment. That's still being blind. You just traded one set of convictions for others. You have traded the Watchtower brand and their sale of goods for your new "non-religious intelligence," but have done no better than someone who changes their clothes while forgetting to bathe themselves of the stink.

    You are still Jehovah's Witnesses, except you threw out Jehovah and now have "the enlightened human mind that does not believe there's a God." You changed the label and nothing else. You still judge others, criticize the beliefs of others, and elevate yourselves as being better and more enlightened than others. What's the difference? You might as well go back to the Watchtower because they do exactly the same thing.

    Neither atheism or religion causes man to do evil. Man can do evil without either. But one thing man does not like to do is take the blame, so like a coward we blame the set of convictions we had and blame our evil on them. "I did horrible things because a religion brainwashed me!" or "I was a freedom hating Communist who murdered people because I was an atheist then!"

    Excuses. Lies.

    And you know what's bad about this? Some of you will read this and, just as you would have done when you were in the Watchtower, you will likely try to say how wrong I am or something terrible about my character--anything but admit you haven't changed a bit inside (or if you do, you will still try to be critical of me or someone or something).

    No, if being atheist or non-religious means I can still have the same kind of attitudes toward others that the Jehovah's Witnesses teach, practice, and endorse....wait, isn't that why I left the Watchtower in the first place, to avoid people like that and because of being mistreated by people who did such things?

    Blind people will never get out of the hole they've fallen into, especially when they believe they can see. Go on, continue to feed me this enlightenment. I really want to call more people “dumb” and hate all religions. I hope to have some children so I can teach them to call others dumb who have different personal convictions too.

    Yes, let’s send the Jews back to the gas chambers, if not literally, at least our religion. Oh wait, we are our religion. Hate me, hate my religion, hate my people. (Anti-Semitism by any other name still smells as sweet?)

    Go ahead. Let’s hear more hate for me now. Come on, that’s what enlightenment does, right?

    You’re not real atheists. My friends who are real atheists would disown you and your hateful ways in a second. You thought you had the truth one time and you were wrong? What makes you so right about what you’re saying and how you’re acting now?

    You’re still Jehovah’s Witnesses, still those people who want to feel superior on account of their current convictions. You just crossed out the name of the religion or put the words “non” in front of it, cleaned the outside of the cup but did nothing about the inside.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    You make a great point, OldGenerationDude.

    I will admit that I truly feel that the ideas and tenets that nearly all of the world's various religions are based on are, for the most part, utterly ridiculous. That doesn't give me the right to call the folks that adhere to these religions "dumb" or "stupid". I have seen religious folks do some pretty dumb things in the name of their religions. The Westboro Baptist Church's actions reinforce the point I'm trying to make here. Would you all not agree that the WBC's actions are pretty stupid? I would hope so.

    I will be honest and state that deep down I really feel like most religious folks are misled and somewhat delusional. (I can't help it. i just don't believe in mythical creatures, genies, & fairy tales, and I think people that do are kinda silly). I will also say that when the uber religious let their faith act in such a way that they want to push their beliefs on everyone and attempt to force their morals into State law & legislature, then they become "dumb" and "stupid". When religion and faith are used as weapons, then these people are "dumb" and "stupid".

    Is that a polite and acceptable enough way to put it?

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