ex jw UK link for NAMBO
by bigmac 5 Replies latest jw friends
i see you found it already lol
Yeah, its rare I will pay to join a forum, but seems to be quality and with genuine good people though maybe a little quiet.
I was wondering if maybe I have put my foot in it a bit by posting too much in the way of my Biblical ideas before feeling if the forum was not that type of forum, but was more a recovery and social place that had had enough of God and the Bible from the Watchtower?
Perhaps you can let me know if I get things wrong.
Anyway, Hi Bigmac and great to meet you.
nambo--just do it the way you think fit--there are all sorts on exjw reunited--a lot of us have met up--we dont judge or criticise others views. personally--i'm an atheist--have been most of my life--but i've no prob reading others viewpoints.
Amelia Ashton
Hi Nambo
I too am on that site and also atheist but there are others that have found other avenues to express their spirituality. we are a diverse bunch.
We were inundated with spam and that is why the site is so quiet. Spam is still a problem but the mods are doing a good job eliminating it. Seems to be predominantly Russian. (I heard it was porn but I don't click links I don't trust)
We are able to do a live chat the last Sunday of every month when Rachel opens up a thread for it so hopefully will have a chat with you this Sunday.
Hi too Amelia,,
I will have a look, but will probably be too late as Iam working this Sunday, shift work so it will be well after 11 before Iam around.
Be nice to have a meetup at some stage, I work in central London. Mind you, Iam not exactly a social whirl, you would think I have Aspergers, thats one thing I liked about the troof, gave me something to talk about!