So yesterday I showed the receptionist some comments that I had posted on a different board. The gist of the post was that I thought God's punnishment of the entire human race for the actions of one person, namely Adam, was a gross miscarrage of justice. Also that bible tells us of this act, then says that he is a god of love, contradicting it's self. Not the mark of a book of divine nature in my opinion. Now I'm not sure if she goes to church or owns a bible but her parents are from Mexico, so she took the path of least resistance and is a firm believer in the Catholic faith. So after reading my post she told me that she hopes to be able to see me burning in hell one day, she want's to see what I have to say then. Did she contemplate the validation of my point? Did she have the christian attitude of loving your enemy? Did she remember that in judging me, she was doing gods work and would therefore be judged herself? No. She did not see that I had a logical argument, instead she saw only that I was questioning the goodness of her god. She did not concern herself with the fact that I help old ladies cross streets, she simply wished eternal torment upon me because I did not believe the same things she did. She has probably never pondered that if she were born in Egypt four thousand years ago she would have believed wholeheartedly in Ra instead of Jesus, she simply knows that she is right and I am wrong and I should suffer because of it. When the last believer in religion dies or becomes agnostic, it will be a great day for the human race.
Religion: The Bane of Humanity
by Adam 8 Replies latest jw friends
Do they pipe in "scenes from hell" on monitors in heaven or is she planning on burning in hell forever right along side of you?
For some, hell is other people.
paraphrased from SartreFor others, heaven must be watching others rot in hell and knowing that it's not you suffering.
I remember when I used to worry about such things. Trying at first as a Christian to figure out God's plan, then learning about atheism and skepticism and vigorously arguing against and denying that God has any plans at all for us.
Now it just doesn't matter to me. And that, I believe, is my final destiny in this search for purpose/enlightenment/TRUTH (LOL). I live a good life, I don't hurt people, I don't like death and suffering but I accept it, and I do the best I can. I especially like making (honestly!) and spending money (on stuff I like, not stuff I need). ;-)
The existence of God/Jehovah/Allah/GreatSpirit etc. is entirely unimportant to me. And if I go to hell for such rebelliousness against God's theocratic design, so be it. See you there too, Adam. ;-)
I've recently once again had it proven to me that as a whole, the worst people I've ever meet are very religious. I try hard not to sterotype, but it's hard not to sometimes. Their god allows them to feel very high and mighty, smug, above other people.
Religion: A method of controling a group of people, with the end result being loss of the individuals freedoms & advancment of the collectiveIn a nutshell= MENTAL SLAVERY!
I have also found the most religious to be the most haughty. Yet isn't that something warned against in the bible? They are the biggest, blindest hypocrites.
I know that is harsh. Sorry. I try really hard not to stereotype also. Every individual has every opportunity to prove me wrong. I just don't see many devoutly religious people trying to prove me wrong.
-P(J) -
heard some interesting remarks last night, that are pertinent to this thread.
went to a reception last night at the new south wales (in australia) parliament house -- it was a launch of a book detailing the history of GLITF (the gay & lesbian immigration task force) - a social justice action group formed nearly 20 years ago to fight for the right of gays and lesbians to bring their partners to australia..
the NSW state attorney general (bob debus MLA) launched the book and spent a little time in his speech reviewing the granting of legal rights to gays and lesbians in nsw and australia.
he made the point that it's only about 20 years ago that a nsw state govt. de-criminalised homosexual acts in nsw (the first state in aust to do so)
and commented that -- it's very telling that the uproar at that time was caused by certain groups - clear reference to religious opposition to the state governments actions.
even to this day - it's religious feeling that interferes with the enjoyment of rights.. John howard - the australian prime minister refuses to permit legislation allowing gay men & women to name their same sex partners as the benificiary in the even of death, knowing howards preferences in religion tells us why he refuses!!
after 30 years a jw, and my experience with religious as a gay men-- u can see why i will celebrate when religion finally disappears from the earth
So if Religion is so bad and has been a curse on society, name for me three atheist based organizations that have done as much good as Mother Theresa, Feed the Poor, Habitat for Humanity and all of the other countless religious based organizations that exist soley to help people and do so in the name of Christanity.
Are there hypocrits in religion? of course
Have bad things been done in the name of Religion? Of course
But if you really think that Man would be better off not having religion in its development you are kidding yourself. Societies that have been based upon atheism or that have not allowed religious expression and worship have been complete failures and have led to some of the world's worst events.
It is unfortunate that some of you have encountered people who have not shown the love that is paramount in Chrisitn religion. The theme should be hate the sin, love the sinner. For those who are homosexual you will have problems with the Christian religion because that lifestyle is expressly prohibited in the Bible. No amount of tolerance for the culture will change that. But the person should be loved and the sin condemned.
As for the human race facing the rath of Adam, that is simply a misunderstanding of the fall of man and on the salvation through Jesus Christ.
God Bless
Good things have been acomplished in the name of religion, this is true. There are countless stories of addicts who have turned their life around and credit the change with finding God. But there are also those who have turned their lives around without religion and only the help of family and their own willpower. I feel that it would be better if we could accopmlish all the good that is done in the name of relgion without all the negative baggage that neccessarily comes along with it. There are organizations who's sole purpose is to help people and they don't do it in the name of Christianity. I hope there are more of these organizations in the future and that they replace the religious-based ones. Christians may say "I wanna help you but you can't be a fag." I want organizations that say "I wanna help you, period."