FDS Obedience Vs. JW Marriage

by allyouneedislove 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • allyouneedislove

    Is the obedience the FDS expects from JWs the same obedience that JW wives owe their JW husbands?
    If yes, would this mean that a JW wife should submit to any medical direction that came from her husband, even if the consequences were serious?
    Would this mean that it would be right for a JW husband to tell his wife if blood fractions, organ transplant, etc. were acceptable for her? Perhaps the wife knows that her husband has changed his mind in the past, many times, concerning "acceptable" medical procedures for the entire family. And, perhaps she has personally prayed and studied the Bible, discovering that she sees nothing wrong with the medical procedures he forbids.
    Of course, disobedience would not be grounds for the husband to divorce her. However, would she not be rejecting God's arrangement and taking an independent course by disobeying? (Liken to disfellowshipping)
    What should she do?

  • JWOP

    Well, the WT seems to be all supportive of husbandly headship UNLESS..... that headship butts up against WT teaching. For example, the Bible states that the men are responsible for the spiritual upbringing of their children (Ephesians 6:4), and for the mose part the WT supports this....

    ....unless the man happens to be disfellowshipped, in which case he is then stripped of this responsibility:

    "For example, if the husband is disfellowshipped, his wife and children will not be comfortable with him conducting a family Bible study or leading in Bible reading or prayer. If he wants to say a prayer, such as at mealtime, he has the right to do so in his own home. But they can silently offer their own prayers to God. [at this point they use Scripture try to prove this is righteous! Sickening!] What if a disfellowshipped person in the home wants to be present when the family reads the Bible together or has a Bible study? The others might let him be present to listen if he will not try to teach them or share his religious ideas". (Our Kingdom Ministry, August 2002, pp. 3-4, para.7, article titled "Display Christian Loyalty").

    And yet they claim they teach the Bible and not their own doctrine? Really?

  • Nambo

    Be aware though that God can read the heart.

    If said wifes motive for being obedient to the husband was because she wanted to get away with something and blame it on her husband, "oh I hoped you would say that", God will be aware of this.

    For instance, if a JW Husband gave his wife a gun and said shoot all the Elders, would the wife be innocent in Gods eyes because she was obeying the command to submit to her husbands headship?

    Christ is the head of the man, and the man is the head of his wife.

    If however, a husband is obviously, (to the wife), not obeying headship to the Christ, would she be expected to submit to him in Spiritual matters or would Jesus prefer she bypass her husband in order to still be under the headship of the Christ?

  • thecrushed

    I'm facing this posibility in the future with my wife I'f I'm D'Fd I've already got my mother in law interfering with my headship already. see my thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/225065/1/I-gotta-RANT-for-a-minute-MIL-blues If I do decide to speak out in the future after or before being DF'd I'm sure the Elders will tell her separate from me on grounds of spiritual endangerment. I'm sure this is how lots of other wise healthy mariages are exploded by the WT teaching.

  • clearpoison

    At least when we were getting guidance how to fill the bloody card, it was clearly stated that all the choices you put there are totally personal and family, witness, emergency person should not get involved in that part.


  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    At least when we were getting guidance how to fill the bloody card, it was clearly stated that all the choices you put there are totally personal and family, witness, emergency person should not get involved in that part.


    Isnt it interesting how this changes when it suits them? It just basically removes the WTS from any legal responsibility when someone dies from refusing a perfectly reasonable and safe treatment.

    Of ourselves, wife's "spiritual safety" supersedes the headship principle. It depends on which side of their mouth it comes from.

  • BluesBrother

    obedience that JW wives owe their JW husbands?

    Come come.....we should talk of reality here. In my experience J W wives are no more obedient to their husbands than are anybody else in their community. They may give lip service to it when it suits them eg. ask a sister to give a lift home to another one and she may well give a dewy-eyed smile and say that "My husband does not like me to do that"...but when she wants to buy something he would disapprove of, all the feminine wiles come into play to get around him . If that does not work she just does it anyway and withstands his protest, knowing that his Christian virtue will stop him doing anything about it........

    O K , please don't think me a misogynist - I am just a realist who has seen the myth of wifely subjection over many decades and dub households in the West are the same as any others .....

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