Collective Guilt and Jehovah's Witnesses

by Momma-Tossed-Me 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Jehovah’s Witnesses did not originate as a religion that utilized collective guilt more than any other religious group. Over time as growth was established, critical analysis of the doctrine also took root as a result of marketing these beliefs to the masses around the world. Branding occurred and when the leadership could not shore up the structural faults within the belief system, they had to prevent critical evaluation or alternative viewpoints from being revealed within. By introducing collective responsibility (guilt) and a groupthink mentality the desired results were achieved for several generations. This essay will seek to identify the aspects and results of collective guilt by the WTBTS by way of groupthink, normative influence, and collective responsibility.

    Children are informants on their siblings, and as parents we have a love-hate relationship with the tattling that goes on throughout childhood into early adulthood. The benefits of bringing certain events to our attention may prevent irreversible injury and that is a good thing. Sometimes this guilt of not informing the parents or authority figure carries over into adulthood or is reactivated by the leadership of a country, organization or religion. Of what benefit does this behavior in adults create in the group dynamic within a person’s circle of influence? We shall see.

    People will conform to a group mentality for social acceptance. People of similar age, background, education, religious or social status will come together to fill the need of association that humans have. The views and degrees of tolerance for the rules is different for everybody involved so sometimes the stress of trying to figure out everyone’s level of tolerance leads to group degradation over time, especially at the inception of the groups existence. Typically when starting a new social group the standards are very lax so that membership will appeal to everyone who may have some interest. Conversely, once the group is established and growing the collective guilt and responsibility is introduced as a means of preservation. Specifically speaking JW’s have done a good job of preserving and promoting a positive spin on the unique characteristics that they have branded themselves with. Unfortunately, the doctrine is their Achilles heel. Establishing credibility for the claimed divinity of the Governing Body is at the top of the list. The WTBTS goes to great lengths to explain this yet an outside analysis of this belief will show that a degree of interpretive value has to be applied to the scriptures to support the claim. By taking notice of the lengthy published articles regarding the establishment of this organizational structure one can determine without a doubt that the hierarchy of the WTBTS from the top down is aware of the shaky footing by which it holds power. What is the solution to combat inner challenges of that power by the organization?

    “Groupthink” a concept introduced by Irving Janice at Yale University is introduced and a bond is formed within the group by way of “specialness toward a common cause.” By focusing on the “benefits of ideas and only the good by the group” dispels any doubt for the majority. Any misgivings are explained away by the collective good accomplished no matter how small or insignificant its contribution to society is as a whole. The group then self polices itself for dissenters turning them in for critical analysis and reform if possible. The Elders then act as natural killer cells within the body if the dissenter(s) is judged to be unfit for association and marked for figurative death or social rejection. The independent thinker is expelled and uniqueness is lost in favor of uniformity for this organization. What are the results?

    Social cohesion and normative influence is the desired result and it is achieved. Manipulation of collective guilt throughout history has produced different results. Some examples are Germany during the Hitler era, Hutu and Tutsi in Africa, Displacement of Indian Americans in the U.S., etc. The results of such collective thinking are staggering to say the least. Every year thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses are affected by the results of this in a similar way. If the amount of violence and death were taken in totality spanning the time that the social shunning and back room antics have been in force the results would be equally as shocking. Many today still suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when they even see a member of the WTBTS or hear anything that sounds remotely close to the doctrine. If the members share in the practice what is their collective responsibility if any?

    Instead of focusing on the negative harm caused by the action Jehovah’s Witnesses do as most groups in this scenario they focus on the positive caused by the action. Some members do return to the fold because they cannot face reality without the eggshell protection around them. They would exchange freedom for fantasy and participation in the harmful action against others rather than let the Bible actually guide them to enlightenment. What does the Bible say about collective group think in context? Let us see.

    Mathew 15:15-17 gives instruction for helping an errant one back into the fold. What it says at the end is, “…treat him as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.”

    Nowhere does it say to shun a former member of the congregation. In fact the people of the “world” are treated with more respect than an individual that is shunned through collective guilt now-a-days by way of the excommunication process. Certainly these former members would not be well liked by most but certainly not shunned.

    2 Thessalonians 3:13-15 – “ For your part, brothers, do not give up in doing right. But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked, stop associating with him, that he may become ashamed. And yet do not be considering him as an enemy, but continue admonishing him as a brother.”

    So the admonition is to not consider him as an enemy but keep admonishing him and one cannot do that if he/she is shunned collectively.

    Using a scripture/non-scripture way of using the Bible for proof that this procedure for policing and controlling the flock does not exist in its current form; show us please where in the Bible it outlines the reinstatement procedure for disfellowshipped individuals. It does not exist. Reinstatement was left up to the congregation as a whole. Those who chose to associate with the individual based on his/her behavior did so, and those who felt repentance had not been achieved did not. God’s spirit upon the congregation was relied upon heavily in the first century congregation and that example should be followed today.

    This essay endeavored to identify the aspects and results of collective guilt by the WTBTS by way of groupthink, normative influence, and collective responsibility. The adage, “Let go and let God” is of supreme importance in this day and age. The results of not doing that have been felt throughout history when we think about man dominating man. Arranging salvation for a group of people is not what Jesus had in mind for the leaders of the early church, he did that. The stage was set for small groups to pray for his spirit to be upon them and conversion to his doctrine which involved a personal relationship with him no matter what person or group we belonged to. He is the sole provider of spiritual information and salvation through his own judgement of each individual. Do you not agree that collective guilt was in no way part of the original doctrine of Jesus ministry? Ask yourself, “What business do I have with a group that promotes itself as the way to salvation through collective guilt?” Are you part of normal group that promotes uniformity through groupthink? If so make no mistake, you are collectively responsible for whatever fruit this behavior yields.

  • thecrushed

    Very well thought out Essay. Enjoyed the Read.

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