I don't know if there is any hard evidence on this or anything, but about how many of the new baptisms each year are children of JWs, other family members of JWs, or acquaintances? How many are actual new people who have no ties to them at all? It seems like the largest number are kids who are sort of pressured into it. What has been your experience? I'm especially interested since I bet they complain about how a lot of new Catholic baptisms are kids. I'm just curious for (civil) arguments sake.
How many new baptisms are family members?
by ilikecheese 7 Replies latest jw friends
I would say 95% are children born-in.
Reading on JWN people's summary of the baptisms at circuit assemblies, it seems most are teenagers, so likely to be born into the religion.
I really wish the society would compile those figures. Unfortunately I guess that will never happen as the sheep would then see how useless the door to door work is.
I reckon it is 4 out of the five who are baptised at most small conventions. 18 out of the 20 at large conventions, mind you some of them are getting only about ten baptised, and some small ones, none !
I wish there were hard figures, too, but I guess you're right. It would show JWs how pointless their door to door work is.
Thanks for the responses! I was interested in knowing.
i think the WTS is aware of it. this source is not of a good contributor for many hours in service, pioneering, servants and especially donations for a long time in future. Then, most (66%) leave on into adulthood.
WTS - "here's your sign!"
I agree that that high percentage is true for western countries, but I would venture many in Latin America and Africa are reached through the "preaching" work...as those countries grow to a mature JW population, they will probably fall in to the cycle of primarily replenishing the ranks via born-in children.