Hi again.
I am the poster who wrote the "confused in career choice. Please help!!" thread. Actually I forgot to change the title and thus I made some misunderstandings there.(Here is the link to it) Now I am going to write what I wanted to write when started the other thread. Excuse me for the grammar mistakes. I know that it can be really annoying and I am working on my English grammar skills. I also had some issues with the tetx editor, there are no more editorial options beside putting an icon. I used an html editor then pasted the source and I don`t know whether it will work or not. I am using Google Chrome (also tried opera but it`s the same).
As I mentioned in my last post I am a 18 years old boy. Dad is MS, step-mother is regular pioneer, my mother is disfellowshipped. I live with my dad`s family but have a normal relationship with my mother. I visit her very often. Believe me, it was like a war between me and the elders but finally I succeeded getting them understand me. They got off my back. I told dad about my plans. He said he won`t hinder me in getting a degree in something but obviously he is not going to support me financially. I can understand this because hi barely earns enough money to support the family. My mother is much more opened. She will support me as much as she can. Her financial situation is a bit better than of my father. My dream is to move in Canada or UK or even in the USA and to live there. But first I want to have a qualification.
There is no adequate university institution for me in my town. I will have to move in a city that is 175 miles away. Tuition fees are much less than in the USA. Medical, pharmacy and dentist students pay about $2750 per year, engineering is $1000-1500 per year. Any other major is between these two number. This amount of money only represents the tuition fee, beside this you have to pay rent and food which is about $150-200 if you don`t want to live with 5 people in the same room. You may say that it is really cheap, however the average salary is $250 monthly for a full time worker.
Considering that I want to move in an other country I have to choose a career that will be good in Canada, for example. I am interested in many things: pharmacy, chemical engineering, film making, music, plants, 3D animation. From these I see pharmacy and chemical engineering as a well paying, in demand job. If there are any pharmacist or ChemEng here, please tell me what should I do. What career would you choose if you were me? You can mention any other field not only what I listed. I am afraid that it is very hard to get a job. Every employer is searching for experienced chemical engineers. I would get my BSc here, then would move and afterward nobody would hire me because of lack of experiences.
I have got three choices in connection with tuition fee:
- Working on summer breaks
- Having a part-time job
- After high school I could go to Germany or England or anywhere else to work 1-2 years to earn the amount of money that I need to pay the 4 year tuition fee.(it`s 4 year to get a BSc in chem eng)
I am really confused because I don`t want to waste 4 year of my life and then not to be employed. The last thing that I want to hear from my father is that: You see, the WTS told you not to waste you time. You got a degree and still haven`t got a job. What would you do if you could start again from my age? Medicine seems to me too hard and long. Chem eng is still hard but it takes less years but it`s not that sure that i will get a job. The other fields are much worse in this part. Finance careers are not for me. I would like to do something interesting. I can see myself having a radio show or being an actor. I know, I have to wake up. That`s why I see science as a more accessible career than the media. Anyway, thank you that you read this post. I did not want to bore anybody. :)