Best Site For Refuting Blood Doctrine?

by allyouneedislove 9 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • allyouneedislove

    Best Site For Refuting Blood Doctrine? Can everyone give their input?

    I have read jwfacts and it is real good.

  • sir82
  • JWOP

    Both AJWRB is the best, but JW Facts is really good too.

  • smiddy

    Marvin Shilmers site is excellent also


  • Phizzy

    The challenge is getting JW's to read them. Any suggestions on how to do this without alarming the poor Dub before he/she has read ?

  • moshe

    You don't need a website, only one question for JW-

    "will a blood transfusion save the live of a starving man?"

    The answer, No, proves that blood transfusions have nothing to do with the Hebrew laws, to not eat blood, that JWs base their Bible authority on for their no-blood dogma.

  • JWOP

    JW's haven't equated blood transfusions with cannibalism in decades, so I question whether that approach will work these days.

    I prefer the idea of promoting the question of mercy regarding blood transfusions:

    Jesus Christ showed it was required to put mercy ahead of Theocratic Law by pointing out that respect for life should come foremost, regardless of Law (Matthew 12:11). He mercifully overrode the Sabbath Laws when he healed people on the Sabbath day (Matthew 12:9-13; Luke 14:1-6); even though the breaking of the Sabbath Law could easily result in the death penalty (Numbers 15:32). He also overrode the adultery Law when he showed mercy to an adulteress (John 8:1-11), even though the sin of adultery was also supposed to result in the death penalty (Leviticus 20:10-12). On another occasion He mercifully healed a bleeding woman with only one touch, even though the Law stated that such a woman was unclean and untouchable (Mark 5:25-34, compared with Leviticus 15:25-27). On yet another occasion, He mercifully healed the daughter of a foreign woman even though it wasn't His responsibility to do so (Matthew 15:22-28). You know that Jesus didn't sin in doing these things because the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus never sinned (1 Peter 2:22). In essence, Jesus was teaching us that mercy is not a sin – in fact, Jesus even rebuked the Pharisees for inflexibly putting Theocratic Law over mercy (Matthew 23:23).

    Remember, God is a merciful God (Psalms 103:8; Ephesians 2:4), and God is LOVE (1 John 4:8). And when it comes to Theocratic Law, love is the Law's fulfillment (Matthew 22:36-40). This is why Jesus made it clear that God wants mercy to override Law (Matthew 9:12-13). God is so serious about this that those who do not show mercy will, in return, not be shown mercy in the Kingdom judgment (James 2:13), whereas those who do show mercy will be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7).

    Jehovah's Witnesses tend to have a tough time reconciling the above line of thought.

  • glenster
  • iCeltic

    JW Facts and Marvin Shilmers blog

  • BluesBrother

    Moshe's single question highlights the difference between blood as a food or in diet eg eating a black pudding (blood sausage) and using blood in medicine......I do like also JWOP's reasoning in his post.

    The Scriptures in Genesis make clear that it was to be poured out in respect for the animal's life taken. No life is taken by donating blood and of course dubs do draw upon donated blood for their "fractions"

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